It's good to be able to combine one hobby with the other, growing herbs and cooking with them. They then combine with a hobby I find particularly enjoyable...Eating!
That last picture...You mate looks like the pastry is about to jump up and bite him! Lol. What are you making there, ravioli?
Yep i found that very efficient and worked well together like you i love eating especially when you have made it yourself from your own garden....
Haha , a couple times the pastry has split and hit him in the face so he has learnt his lesson and stands back now he doesn't want to become part of the ravioli and you guessed it right ravioli with minced beef and veggies one of my favorites to make.
I love me some rav's man...Home made ones especially!
I have a mate who holds to the old ways and we go over and help do stuff, olives, the pig (sausages), sauce etc...The reward is big cook ups and some raucous gatherings. Italian is my favourite food!
There is a lot of work in preparing the pasta and noddles as you would know but there is nothing more satisfying to see the smiles and expressions on your friends faces as there biting into those pizzas it's just priceless that's what makes me enjoy my hobby more ☺️
I think there's something very enjoyable about preparing food with friends. Every now and then we have a few friends over and we all prepare the food together...We all sort of feel more invested in the meal I think. So much fun.
That is so true us Aussie's know how to enjoy out foods around friends with a few beers and this is some thing we also do a lot sharing ideas makes it all more enjoyable. This was a great topic i enjoyed sharing this with you all have a great week ahead @galenkp 👍