Mother's Day is Coming amid Isolation.

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)



Greetings, everyone
We'll be "celebrating" Mother's day this coming Sunday.
The circumstances of this year's celebration couldn't be any bleaker (on second thought, they might be and things can actually get much worse).

Venezuela is in pretty bad shape right now. Despite the rather mild version of Covid-19 we got, which has not caused a lot of sick or dead (according to official records), the country is in a state of isolation and the economy has sunk to unprecedented levels. We have not enough gasoline to meet demand. Those in military uniform have control of the business and provide the precious product to whoever they want at whatever price in $ they please. Thus, public transportation has almost entirely disappeared and only those car owners with enough strings to pull or dollars to spare can afford a full tank.

Add to that the fact that our hospital system is in total ruin. Ignore whatever maduro or any of his cronies say about hospitals fully equiped and free medical attention guaranteed for anyone. They are doing what they do best, lying.

Thus, if you're sick you cannot be taken to a hospital facility because there are few cars with gas around. If you are lucky enough and have the right contacts, you may get your ride. However, no hospital facility will provide you with any medical attention you need, especially if you're in your 80s and suffer from different chronic illnesses. But, let's say your lucky star keeps shining and you got a specialist to help you at a small ambulatorio, the only affordable medical facility for the average person. How do you buy the medicines now, or pay for the required lab tests?

That's the dilemma we face these days. We wish our elders would not get sick. We wish they last forever. But they can't help it. I know it mortifies them even more. Our elders grew up in a time when you have to be strong and independent. You were supposed to keep it until your last breath.


We won't be able to travel to see my mother on Sunday. We can only hope she has a good day and this nightmare ends soon enough.

Thanks for your visit


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 5 years ago  

Here in America we have no idea of the suffering you and your fellow countrymen must endure on a daily basis. I'm sorry that you won't be able to see your mother on Mother's Day. I'm very lucky to have my mother nearby and to have access to medical care.

It is a blessing to be able to provide for our parents. When my father was in bed, six-seven years ago, I was still able to travel every weekend and take whatever he needed. I got him special mattress,cane, even a wheelchair, when he got worse. Clinics still provided relatively decent services and our insurances still covered most contingencies. All of that changed in that short period.Thanks, @blueeyes8960.

How terrible. I'm so sorry, @hlezama. Can you call her? I hope you will be able to speak with her somehow on Mother's Day.

Sometimes we call two or three times to finally be able to understand the message, since voices sound like you are underground or underwater.
We'll figure something out to make her feel ok. I usually make sure my children (who are very absentminded for these special ocasions) give her a call. She loves to hear their voices.Thanks, @jayna. We have been able to keep in contact with her, although in Carúpano, the town where she is staying, electricity and phone services have been failing pretty often.

Hermosas fotografías. Tristes y sentidas palabras. Un abrazo grande. Dios bendiga a tu mami, a ti y a los tuyos

Bendiciones para la tuya. Aún recuerdo sus besos de coco :)Gracias, @marygourmet

Hi, my dear friend @hlezama. I hope you can call your mom and I also hope you can see her, kiss and hug her soon.

Lovely photos :)

What can I tell you about our terrible situation that you don't know or haven't experienced already? Yesterday I had to walk 2 hours under the sun to find some medicines for my dad, who is the only mom I have left. As for my late mom, I don't think we're gonna be able to give her the flowers she used to like so much. And life goes on and on nonstop.

Regards to your dad. Hope you were able to find his meds.

Sure. I found them all but one; same old, same old.

 5 years ago  

Living under these conditions are all politically challenging/charged, this lockdown has made people prisoners in their own homes, yes one has to question the evils in this life.

One thing for sure, Mom loves you, knows your desire to be with her. Hopefully the phone lines work allowing you time to have a chat, it is the least you can do under these circumstances.