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RE: My Favourite Furries

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

These pictures are SO wonderful, @wwwiebe. I feel like I got to know your pets by reading this! They are all just precious, and you've caught them in such beautiful poses. Your pet humor is hysterically funny too. I found myself just laughing and giggling all through this.

I'm still planning to write my post, but I nominate you for the win. This is very honestly one of the best pet posts I have ever read. Oh my gosh - just the two pictures of Midnight in the green basket - as a kitten and as an adult! That alone is truly priceless.

We also have one dog and some cats, but our "some cats" are just two. One of the cats and my dog are both black, and as you said they are very difficult to photograph! I will have to sort through my collections to see if I can put a finger on those few good ones over the years!


Thank you very much @jayna! The little fur critters are always doing something to amuse me; it's easy to keep writing about them.

I was really content with just two cats, too. Alas. I'm a softy.

Can't wait to see more of your furries!