My Favourite Furries

Doggies of all shapes
and black little kittens

Tortoise fur big cats
with calico mittens

Doggies that sit still for their photograph
Of all my fur faves there is not one giraffe

(To the tune of My Favourite Things)

@jaynie has challenged the PowerHouse Creatives (PHC) community to introduce our favourite fur-creatures in a blog post. I'll admit, when I first glanced at the title of her post ( I completely misread it, and thought for a moment she was engaging in some interesting extracurricular activities.

Instead, it's much more benign than that. She just wants us to introduce our pets! Now that I've erased certain images from mind and memory, I'm able to begin to focus.

I have a goodly number of fur-creatures in the house. Five to be exact. The challenge calls for a minimum of five photos. I'm going to surpass that.

Fur Creature 1: Gabby


Affectionately known as "Gabby Cat" (yes, I have a habit of stating the obvious sometimes). We obtained Gabby about 11 years ago from a family that was moving across country and could not take her with them. She quickly made herself at home with us.

Gabby likes to engage in a number of activities. You can see above she enjoys photography. As you can see below, she also likes to sew, portray ancient Egyptian sphinxes, and act out as if she were a pirate. Garr! Pirate Cat!




Gabby really belongs to my oldest son. He suffers from clinical depression, and she is always there for him when he needs her; it's really quite sweet. When he hits a low or a dip in his emotions, she's always the first to sense it and goes to snuggle.

Fur Creature 2: Tetra


We got Tetra shortly after getting Gabby. I was missing having a dog in the house and remember browsing through the dog list from the local SPCA. Quite surprisingly they had a black lab puppy! I distinctly remember taking the rest of the day off work to go fetch the puppy. It was a surprise for the entire family when I arrived home with a new pooch.

Dreaming of chasing cats

Tetra is about the same age as Gabby, maybe a little younger. She grew up with cats, so is actually really good with them. The other cats in the house will often lie in wait and pounce Tetra's tail when she's sitting down. It's really quite funny to watch.

Fur Creature 3: Trinket


We got Trinket from a farmer. She was really cute as a kitten. Now she's overweight, but I suppose still cute. Definitely sweet. She likes to lie on my chest in the middle of the afternoon to take a nap with me. She's like a weighted blanket, except maybe a little heavier.

She was raised by Tetra and, though she didn't turn into a dog, enjoys Tetra's company.


Fur Creature 4: Bella

Bella as a kitten

Bella is my cat. Mine. I distinctly remember not wanting another cat, but Matthew (my middle son) had been volunteering at a cat shelter and Bella kinda attached herself to him. So home she came.

While a kitten she became very ill. Twice. To the point of near death. The first was a major ear infection. The second was a nasty feline disease. She was always a chow-hound at breakfast and was the first to be catter-walling for food in the same spot every morning. One morning she simply wasn't there, which was very odd. We ended up finding her under the bed, refusing to come out. That's what cat's do when they're really, really ill. A couple thousand dollars later and a few weeks of forcing medicine into her and she did quite well. She's still tiny; I think she'll always be tiny and fragile, quite honestly, because of her near death experiences.

But good gawd is she gorgeous.



We bonded during her two major illnesses. She's now my cat and mine alone. I still refer to her as "Favourite Cat".


Fur Creature 5: Midnight


Yes, midnight is so named because he's black. I'd say "all black," but he actually has a snippet or two of white hairs on his tail.

Midnight was found under a dumpster at the shopping mall as a tiny, 1 pound kitten. He was frightened, hungry, and probably cold. My middle son (Matthew) again was the impetus for keeping this cat. He was going to go to the SPCA for proper care; instead, begging and pleading began because Matthew has always wanted a black cat. So, here he stayed.

Midnight one year ago

Midnight this year

Black cats are a pain in the ass to photograph, but sometimes the lighting works out Just Right.



Midnight is our first male fur critter. For a cat, he's actually very dog like. He plays fetch. He plays with the dog toys. However, he does not come when called. So, cat it is.

Holiday Animals

Autumn, Halloween, and Christmas are my favourite times of the year, in that order. Having decorations out makes it fun to photograph the animals, too.

Here are Midnight and Bella showing they're going to take no more shit and putting an end to that dude behind them.



The glow of the Christmas tree is always good for fun photo lighting, too.original_2015_1229_2309_jpg.jpeg




Animals of a Fur Stick Together

Sometimes I think these animals think they're all siblings and mimic each other. Judge for yourself.

Article 1

Bella, sprawling.


Not to be outdone, here is Tetra, also sprawling.


Article 2

Tetra, doing whatever this is


And Midnight, copy-catting (hah!)


Others should join in on this! I'm looking at you, @derangedvisions, @enginewitty and.. um... oh @saffisara

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

About Me

Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. I dabble a little in a lot. General all around problem-solver and creative type.

Founder of Photo 52 weekly photography competition.

Expert generalist. Jack of all Trades.


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ahhh Bella captured my Stormtrooper hard heart. Midnight would be Vaders cat. He actually loves cats so I'm told

I could definitely see Vader with a black cat, whom he strokes idly with one hand while force choking an inept General with the other. Very definitely.

Thanks for stopping by!

sounds like you've met the guy

You have more furry friends then I thought you did. Wow. Now that we are down to one, I am jealous. I loved all the photos but my favorite is of Trinket looking out the window while Tetra sleeps up on top of those pillows. So cute.. all of them really. Feeding time must be fun.

Happy Sunday!

It's definitely a house full! Feeding time isn't too bad; I haven't lost any flesh yet. It helps that two of them (Bella and the dog) eat on their own. But.. yeah.

I completely misread it, and thought for a moment she was engaging in some interesting extracurricular activities. Instead, it's much more benign than that. She just wants us to introduce our pets! Now that I've erased certain images from mind and memory, I'm able to begin to focus.

HAHAHAHA!!!! Only you! :P

Gabby!!! WOW What a DYNAMIC kitty!!! hehehe - Not even I have as many skills as she does! lol!

This is SUCH a super entry @wwwiebe and WOW... what an amazing fur family you have - BLESSED!!!!!


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Thank you @jaynie! Gabby is definitely a character. And she puts up with no shit from any of the others. The other cats will be playing and will just Stop when Gabby enters the room, like kids that are caught doing something they shouldn't. It's funny.

Sounds like my kind of kitty! hahahaha! xxx

🎁 Hi @wwwiebe! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

@jaynie wrote lately about: The People Pleasers Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

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These pictures are SO wonderful, @wwwiebe. I feel like I got to know your pets by reading this! They are all just precious, and you've caught them in such beautiful poses. Your pet humor is hysterically funny too. I found myself just laughing and giggling all through this.

I'm still planning to write my post, but I nominate you for the win. This is very honestly one of the best pet posts I have ever read. Oh my gosh - just the two pictures of Midnight in the green basket - as a kitten and as an adult! That alone is truly priceless.

We also have one dog and some cats, but our "some cats" are just two. One of the cats and my dog are both black, and as you said they are very difficult to photograph! I will have to sort through my collections to see if I can put a finger on those few good ones over the years!

Thank you very much @jayna! The little fur critters are always doing something to amuse me; it's easy to keep writing about them.

I was really content with just two cats, too. Alas. I'm a softy.

Can't wait to see more of your furries!

You have very adorable pets, I'm glad that Bella is fine, it makes me want to hug them all.

Thank you!