“My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — every day I’m learning something new.”
-Richard Branson
Yip, the chunky redhead in that photo is me! hahahahhaa!!! OWNING the family photos from 1980 to 2020 LIKE A BOSS!! hahahaha!!! - ok ok, enough about that crap.... I actually have something of consequence to say (well, I think so at any rate) lol...
If there is one lesson and principle I have learnt well throughout the course of my life it is that the mind will believe absolutely ANYTHING it is told often enough. So, if you constantly seek out the "dead ends" in situations then that is what you will continually be met with. If however, you choose and refuse to be limited by circumstance or frustration then you will always find a way to turn around and head in the other direction which offers you CHOICE! Desperation can breed despair, but it can just as readily breed inspiration, determination and unlimited opportunity!
I come from a family of entrepreneurs and FREE thinkers - it is simply how we were raised. For as far back as I can remember, my three brothers and I have been taught how to think outside of the box, be innovative in situations and to make a success of things, despite the odds. Unlike much of this generation, we were taught that if we wanted money for things – you had to work for it…. And work for it we did! I can recall all of us “testing the waters” with our entrepreneurial skills at very young ages with all kinds of interesting and diverse approaches. My brothers used to make packs of coasters out of used matchsticks – in fact, I actually still have a couple of those… and amazingly enough even though they are more than two decades old… only one match lost! Haha – they just don’t make things like they used to, right! ;)

They also used to make mini rocking chairs and all sorts of other things out of wooden clothes pegs. Those were AWESOME – especially for my dolls. Lol – but sadly, I do not have a photo of one of those to show you. They used to sell all of the above (and more) for their "recreational money" I have lost count of the things which my brothers did as teens over the years to make money... there were T-shirt selling businesses, dummy car alarm systems - you name it haha!

I, being the youngest (and the only girl) was a little more… um… creative in my first approach to entrepreneurship? hahaha!!!– When I was about 5 years old I created a "garage sale" one afternoon on the pavement in the front of our house (without my mother’s knowledge or consent) and apart from the few items of mine selected for sale, I went and grabbed most of the dresses from my moms cupboard to add to the garage sale and I hung them all over the place – I mean, everything has a price, right? Haha! – Yeah… that garage sale did NOT end too well hehe ;) I went on to a myriad of other things as the years passed too. I sold perfumes door to door when I was about 12 and also got involved in the dummy car alarm business that one of my brothers had going.
I left school at the age of 15 as I was failing hopelessly at pretty much everything due to my complete disinterest across the board and well, drugs. I lived with my mom at the time, and after much effort and persistence with my father - as well as "under-age" acceptance from the college itself - I went to study graphic design and the handmade cards was something I did to make money for social spending. Nothing grand really haha - and as an adult I am not sure whether people bought them because they felt sorry for the 16 year old girl selling them or because they actually liked them haha.... but either way, they sold! They were sold plastic packaged for 5 ZAR at the time. And as you can no doubt see, I saved the ones I liked most which were mostly daisy designs haha... it is my favourite flower :) My mom eventually took it over and then ultimately one of my brothers bought the business from my mom and continued to stock retail outlets throughout Cape Town.
I am quite a sentimental individual, so I do in fact have keepsakes from pretty much most of my life milestones and had actually kept a handful of those cards. I actually have a zip bag where I have kept ALL that stuff and having my attention drawn to it for the sake of the cards, got me thinking about some of the other related entrepreneurial journeys I have traveled which then inspired me to compile this post.
I went on to start a customised hand made jewelry range as a side income when I was working my first job. I have honestly lost count of the "ventures" I have explored over the years haha - the simple reality is, when you really and truly want to CHANGE something for the better, there does not have to be a paved way... because you will MAKE ONE! Put your problem, mind and creativity together and you will never cease amazing yourself!
The next little memory I grabbed out of the bag of keepsakes was the third step in my entrepreneurial journey... the second one, oddly (because it was my ultimate game changer)... I didn't keep any samples of. When I left my last place of employ, it was because of an idea inspired by one of my brothers. The same brother that I had helped to sell the dummy car alarms some years back... and the concept was promotional fridge magnets. I designed and printed 5000 of those per month and had them distributed to relevant suburbs in Cape Town.
They were "info magnets" and on them, I would sell advertising space to businesses and services that people generally wanted on demand... such as electricians (that would be my brother haha), food delivery, locksmiths etc. and then they would also display all local emergency numbers etc. I did that for two years. Aside from the brutality of cold-calling, it was probably the easiest money I have EVER made! I was 19 years old, working two days a week and living completely self-sufficiently. The economic climate here in SA eventually made that venture challenging. People no longer had the excess cash to fork out so easily.
Following that, was a product which I created called "The Business Bulletin". It was a throw away advertising leaflet of which there were 8 kinds (each suburb specific). I designed, printed and distributed 80 000 of those monthly. Essentially, people purchased an advertising slot on the flyer to promote their business. I simultaneously used this as a tool to promote my own design and print services which is what helped ultimately build the 7500+ client base that I continued to service until 2018. This particular venture lasted about 6 odd years. Both of the above were very successful, but with the internet beginning to dominate the below the line advertising sphere, the sales became quite challenging towards the end.

Next in the bag of tricks at approx. 22 years of age, was an alternative magazine which I launched at the same time as I was doing the business bulletin. It was called "Vibrations". It was a small magazine (inspired by the tiny "Glamour" woman's magazine) but was geared at the holistic, alternative and health market. I compiled, designed, printed and distributed 5000 of those for free to suitable retailers all over the Western Cape every alternate month for 2+ years. The advertisers funded it. It was enormously successful and loved by everyone that picked it up.
Each issue was approx. 44+ pages and was content rich. It was an INCREDIBLY stressful venture to take on and after two years of dedicated readership I added a 5 ZAR price tag on it, which is not even enough to buys a Mc Donalds cheese burger... and suddenly everyone was up in arms! Their sheer unwillingness to pay such a ridiculously small price for something that literally took up my every day and every night, made me lose enthusiasm and passion for it VERY fast! And so, I eventually sold it to another local holistic magazine company.
That "little magazine" was a journey of NOTE for me! It taught me an enormous amount and also simultaneously SCREWED my perfect eyesight up for life haha! I worked almost 24 hour days for 2+ years with that brain child... on a monitor which was faulty and blurred in the centre of the screen - but I could not afford to replace it with a new one at the time, so I carried on as normal. A perfect lack of foresight in that instance, as my now prescription glasses cost a lot more than a new monitor then would have.... haha - live and learn hey ;)
The last "additional" venture I undertook over and above the running of my second design and print business from 2007 to Dec 2018 was not something I could keep in that bag, but was also a monumental venture and something that taught me and led me to where I am now. When selling the "vibrations" magazine I swore I would NEVER do that again... but I did haha... only the last time, I did it digitally. I launched "INSPIRE VIRTUAL MAG" and ran that man alone for 2 years as well. That was an utterly MAMMOTH task as it was a fully fledged international e-mag - 160+ pages and other than receiving content from writers, absolutely EVERYTHING else was done by little 'ol me. From editorial layout, advertisement design, compilation, promotion, clothes selections, fashion shoots - all of it.
Not to blow my trumpet or anything, but magazines as you and I all know them are compiled by huge teams of people - so needless to say... after 14 months of that I was feeling pretty damn exhausted haha!!! And as I mentioned, this was all done in between being completely hands on in my bread winning business. That online magazine was TREMENDOUSLY well received and was read by both men and women across the globe - in fact I think about midway in that journey we were receiving read counts that exceeded 50k+ per issue... but again, when your passion for a project dies, so does the project - but nothing was lost. Many a lesson was gained. I am VERY much a gut driven individual and when I am done with something "energetically" - then I am done with it completely!
Here is a link to the seventh and last issue I ever published for Inspire...
After that last stint, I shifted my focus completely back onto my "bread and butter" design and print business and then eventually handed that over to my shop manager at the beginning of 2018. Many of you who have walked some of this road with me will remember just how much of an emotional roller-coaster that time in my life was... BUT, I had been preparing to do it, and can honestly say... that my decision to completely drown myself into this blockchain full time has not disappointed me yet! The markets, yes a little haha... but not the community! I absolutely LOVE what I do with my day time hours now and I would not change it for the world! So... there it is...Hope you enjoyed exploring my bag of keepsakes... I know I did :) It always gives renewed perspective!
I have previously referred to, and do so again now - a conversation I once had with my father, where he told me that he sat at a boardroom table with at least 12 men his age (65-75 yrs) and as very financially successful men they each shared a hilarious afternoon of reminiscing about their COUNTLESS failures in the road to getting where they currently stood. I will never forget that little bit of motivational converse. I may have failed a few times already, but what I haven't done even once yet... is give up.
This enthusiasm for problem solving and making the best of what we had did not decrease as the years went on... My brothers and I have continued this pattern. So, it is no surprise then that we have all grown up to work for ourselves. It is pretty much a “no-brainer” when you have an attitude of “solution” rather than problem! Thinking like this allows you to move forward when so many others stay stuck - chasing their tails in circles. Now, it is something that we have all begun to impart on our children.
We needed (or wanted rather lol)) money - and as our folks could and would not simply GIVE it to us - they taught us instead to make it for ourselves... so that we could learn to be self-sufficient and find SOLUTIONS for the challenges that we were presented with - just as it is in the "big world", instead of standing with our thumbs in our mouths. I was faced with this reality EVERY SINGLE DAY in my business. You cannot burst into tears and hide in a corner when things get stressful, or don’t go quite the way you had intended. No – you have to switch into solution mode. You have to fix it, and you have to fix it QUICKLY! I feel that my brothers and I have been truly blessed to have been brought up with this kind of mentality and I do whatever I can to instill this into my son and his daily life too. I think ALL parents should afford their children such an opportunity. It will stand them in good stead later on in life.
I may have chosen to re-prioritise my "stresses" (and I am ever grateful that I did) - however, this does not mean that I am not met with an array of new challenges on a daily basis - but the fact remains... I will continue to meet each and every single one of them with precisely the same mindset of "solution". The wonderful thing about retaining this, is that every time you go "through" it and come out on the other side... you are that "little bit stronger" for it and you stand with added faith in your capabilities.
“All my problems bow before my stubbornness.” ― Amit Kalantri
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx
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Beautiful memories Miss! It is nice to see how you speak spontaneously about yourself, your family and the enterprises, very original. Thanks for sharing
And thank you, for the lovely feedback - much appreciated :) !tip
I'm glad ;)
A Little Trip Down Entrepreneurial Memory Lane...@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @emiliocabrera! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!What a wonderful story. Good on you.
I had to borrow $200 from my Dad to buy a motorcycle when I was 13. The fact that I was driving his old pickup to work every day made it an easy choice for him. :) I gave him half my paycheck until it was paid off (I think 3 months).
I've always worked. I've owned a half dozen businesses that most everyone would call failures but I learned so much and had so damn much fun at each. I just kept doing each until my money ran completely out then I'd go back to 'working for the man'. Until I got my next wild hair.
Thanks Jaynie. I appreciate you sharing your Zip Bag with us. Pretty cool place.
I could not agree more... the experiences gained are absolutely invaluable. And thanks hon - appreciate the positive input xxx !tip
I have always said it and I maintain it, you are an enterprising and inspiring woman. You are great in everything. The thick redhead, very good childhood and the best way to earn money is working. Excellent friend. Blessings.
You are very kind @elpastor. Thank you for such kind words! Always important that we just do our best... more than that we cannot do :) !tip
A Little Trip Down Entrepreneurial Memory Lane...@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @elpastor! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!I love how your parents gave you and your brothers the space to grow into the successful people you are today. The stumbles were really just learning opportunites as you pond-skipped over each and every obstacle. What an inspiring story! :)
Very true!!! I honestly DO value all the challenges because without them I would be a lot less wise, lol! I am also very grateful to have been "fed" the kind of mindset that I was!
Thank you for the lovely feedback - much appreciated.
discord that encompasses ALL content genres but isn't just a massive sea of spammers and plagiarists... then come and join us in the Power House Creatives ServerIf you are looking to join a great interactive & supportive #HIVE community on
Thanks for your gift! Powering it up... :)
My pleasure!
A Little Trip Down Entrepreneurial Memory Lane...@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @evernoticethat! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!That's a pretty amazing entrepreneurial journey. Thank you for sharing your story.
Thanks :) Appreciate the positive feedback... it certainly has been an interesting adventure thus far haha! A thank you to you too... for taking the time to read and share in it! !tip
Check out @jaynie blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @lisamgentile1961! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!This is so inspiring @jaynie. I'm really in tears while reading this. I'm at one of the lowest points of my life right now. I finally started my business at 25 and invested all my savings in there (stupid idea) and took a lot of loans (more stupid idea) believing the business would flourish. And then the pandemic hit and everything's just down. Thank you very much for this.
I am glad that you took something positive from it all @janicemars. Let me tell you... I have been where you are. I have lost it ALL!!!! Had sheriffs taking away the things in my home, moving from a 3 bedroom house into a bachelor flat... giving up my fur family in the process. I have had my (ex)husband of 8 years, walk out on me, leave me with a 2 month old baby, no car, a business to run and I also lost the very first property I fought to buy at the ripe age of 21... all because I got married in community of property.
I can PROMISE YOU THIS... if you keep your wits about you - seek strength in positive people around you... ignore the "nay sayers" (especially your own thoughts)... you WILL succeed!!!
Do not consider your decisions "stupid"... they were anything but! You will NEVER make those mistakes again... and with PLENTY more years ahead of you, you can be grateful to have learnt those lessons so early in the game!
Your sheer determination will carry you through... so make sure you FEED IT! xxx
discord that encompasses ALL content genres but isn't just a massive sea of spammers and plagiarists... then come and join us in the Power House Creatives ServerIf you are looking to join a great interactive & supportive #HIVE community on
Hugs! You don't know how much you inspired me today. Thank you very much <3 I shall say ignoring my own thoughts is the hardest. But I will keep trying. Thank you so much, really. <3 At least, I can sleep with a little peace in my heart tonight. You are one of those positive people I consider myself surrounded right now even if you are miles away. Thank you again,.
Any time!!!!
Not sure if you are on discord, but if you are... lets connect. If not, we can connect in other ways!
Distance is of no relevance these days anyway haha... 99% of the people that I engage with on a daily basis here are on other continents and they are some of the most precious people in my life! xxx
Tomorrow is Monday... an AWESOME day... not a loathsome one! A new canvas and opportunity to take and make the right steps (no matter how small) x
Take care hon and shout ANY TIME... REALLY!
Hi Jaynie! Yes! I'm already part of the PHC discord channel. Just isn't active always :( Thank you very much for your kindness again. <3
Check out @jaynie blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @janicemars! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!Thanks @jaynie, you're a lovely person, you're a warrior, I really like reading you. In my case my parents were indoctrinated and were afraid to undertake, they instilled in me that I should study and get a job in a big company, however I ventured, I started working on the weekends from the age of 14, but without neglecting my studies to help with my expenses and those of the house. I agree with you and I have instilled that philosophy in my daughters. If you want to get something, you must earn it by working, and much better if you have your own business, the oldest is already doing it. Thanks again for sharing your experiences.
I was just discussing the variance in upbringing with @joanstewart on this comment thread, because we are ALL raised differently. You somewhat found a great "cross-section" of both your parents guidance and your own determination which is fantastic. There is value in both!
Thanks for taking the time to read what I shared and also for sharing your own experience !tip
Check out @jaynie blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @ovi1one! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!What does hit home is how you were raised, to think and do independently! Kudos to your parents for pushing you out the door to make a few pennies, one learns to appreciate those pennies will soon become pounds, as the older folk always said. (Well on the British side of the family)...
A wonderful meander down your memory lane, learning throughout life to become self-sustaining thanks for sharing.
!BEER sorry it's not wine...
Thanks love - and yes, aint that the truth! Having to be completely self sufficient from such a young age has taught me invaluable life lessons. Not all easy, but all incredibly important!
Beer will do haha!!!
Parents mindset carves out the future for next generation, mine was older generation who believed in being loyal and working hard, different strokes for different folks but I think your parents did right by you.
Neither wrong. Both approaches have their value. but yes agreed!
Nansy Pansy!@joanstewart wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @joanstewart if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @jaynie! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @joanstewart!View or trade
Hey @jaynie, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks hon @joanstewart xxx
If you get it right first time it probably wasn't worth doing. Life's little failures are actually success, if you learn from them. I can't even begin to think how many times I screwed things up on my journey but each time I have taken the pros and discarded the cons and moved forward.
I agree ten fold!!! There was a quote I read about non-fiction books once... it went something like this... "Take from it what you will, and leave the rest"
Those words have always rung true in my mind... for more than books.
Indeed the secret is recognizing what you got right and building on it.
I am impressed! Congratulations, this is trully outstanding, your work force is incredible!
MWAH! Thank you sweetie...
I do or "did" holiday letting since we started living here on the South Coast of KZN, 8 years ago. So now I must find new ways of making money, which I will. Hive helped a bit last month but I do have other ventures in the planning phase. Each crises also leads to new opportunities. I am curious apart from hive, how do you earn money on the blockchain? You mention markets?Very impressive @Jaynie. Thank you for sharing this. As you say the secret is to never give up. My dad also has an entrepreneurial spirit. His first advise to me was to marry out of community of property.
Thanks for sharing!A great read @jaynie! Really motivates the reader to make something of their life if they haven't yet.
Wow, this is an inspiring read! I can only wish I grew up with the same environment that you had while growing up. It makes adulting easier when you start young. That's the disadvantage for me, I was well-provided by my family. But now that I want to pursue what I really want, it's hard to put myself out there.
I never liked selling but I want to push myself to learn how. Because I read somewhere that business is personal development on steroids. And I'm all for personal development! So here I am, constantly pushing myself to get uncomfortable for growth. I also read somehere that "you are not selling, you are solving a problem". And that was a eureka moment for me! So right now, everytime I get dizzy just by the thought of me selling, I tell myself I'm solving a problem. And somehow, I get calmer and more focused.
Your post was very timely, it's something that I needed to hear right now. Your son is very lucky to have a entrepreneurial mother like you 😁 Btw, I followed you to read some motivation posts 🥰