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RE: A little trip down Entrepreneurial Memory Lane...

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago

What does hit home is how you were raised, to think and do independently! Kudos to your parents for pushing you out the door to make a few pennies, one learns to appreciate those pennies will soon become pounds, as the older folk always said. (Well on the British side of the family)...

A wonderful meander down your memory lane, learning throughout life to become self-sustaining thanks for sharing.

!BEER sorry it's not wine...


Thanks love - and yes, aint that the truth! Having to be completely self sufficient from such a young age has taught me invaluable life lessons. Not all easy, but all incredibly important!

Beer will do haha!!!

 5 years ago  

Parents mindset carves out the future for next generation, mine was older generation who believed in being loyal and working hard, different strokes for different folks but I think your parents did right by you.

Neither wrong. Both approaches have their value. but yes agreed!