The "AMA" (Ask Me Anything) Invite...

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

ask me anything....png

“If everything bounces back from the surface of your head, how will anything reach your soul? Be less reactive and more receptive. Be a little more feminine. Surrender and let things penetrate your being.” ― Shunya

I have probably bounced off and on to this particular post prompt a thousand times already - I mean, I published it as a suggestion like a month ago in my 5th issue of The Weekly which I publish every Monday. It is a compilation of Lifestyle Lounge post suggestions and inspirations. Below is a snapshot of the prompt.


I suppose the bounce action is to be somewhat understood. There are two possible outcomes to a scenario like this - The first being, you get absolutely NO questions from ANYONE and the second, you receive some - a few of which, may make you feel cornered or under a spotlight you do not wish to be under. I have tossed both variants up and down, juggled them a bit and come to the decision that I have crossed MUCH "wobblier" bridges with far more at stake in my life, so why the fnck not!

I have always been an open book - here and in my 3D life. I am quite fine with transparency for the most part. Also, I like to push my boundaries from time to time... I think it is healthy. Me doing "this", is precisely an act of that.

Sure, I have been loitering around this space for close on four years, but it changes every single day. I have shared some of my most brutal and personal facets of life in that time, but the people who are new here will never know those parts of my blogging journey.

People take life too damn seriously! Just yesterday, I had a conversation with a guy who was present on the day I got the email from Jude's school "to come fetch him" because of Covid. That was the last time he ever stepped foot in that school and also marked a massive change in the world. Life is short as well as unpredictable - best we make the most of it ALL then!

So, with that in mind... I will risk humiliation, slander and all other positive potential "incoming". Say what you feel, speak your mind and if anything - ask what you want. I will do my best to answer honestly. In the same breath, I look forward to all the "rest".


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx






Let's start with an easy one: What's your favorite color and why?

hahaha!! Thanks for "easing" me into it... LOL!


Why? Honestly... I don't actually know. No specific reason, other than the fact that I have always felt energetically drawn to it and find it calming. I suppose my love for nature and gardening may play a role of influence... :)

That's a fair answer, and I suppose it makes sense. I'm not sure I have a favorite color. If I had to choose though, I'd say blue. Not exactly sure why, either :D.

I don't think we need actual reason for such things :)

Which African country do you think will be the first to go full in on cryptos in general?

Assuming we are not just referring to Hive, I would say possibly Nigeria.

And if it's in reference to hive?

I suppose my answer actually may remain unchanged lol.


What are your alltime favorite heels or boots

 4 years ago (edited) 

That's an easy one! :D

Heels - ankle strap stiletto


Boots - Over the knee!


Okay, one last question (this one's a classic): if you could have one super power what would it be and why?

 4 years ago (edited) 

Not really a "super power", I guess, but is definitely an art I would like to master to a higher degree of what I have... and if I ever did - it certainly would feel like a super power!

So, to answer your question -


If you have the ability to read anothers mind completely... it opens countless doors.

Nice! That's a good one. I think the answer to that question says a lot about the person. I've heard a lot of people phrase it as 'mind reading'. Telepathy definitely sounds more benign and consensual.


 4 years ago  

OMG. Telepathy. I think I would personally hate knowing what other people think. It would be like knowing when people lie: "Yes, I really do like you," or, when suffering being broken up with, "No, it's not you, it's me."

Hahahah. Sorry. 😃 I know it's an ask you anything. I'll keep my mouth shut. 😶

(btw, my super power would be flight)

Hahahaha!!! Well, it would need to have an off button. Lol.

Yeah, flying is good!

Are you married? Would you like to be?

 4 years ago (edited) 

No, I am not married. Divorced, yes. Would I like to be married again...? Until now the answer would have been a flat NO! but, certain people change certain things...

That sounds exciting, congrats!

Why don't you show us your pretty face (even if it's next to a middle finger!) more often?

I suppose because I come from a different kettle of fish. I am just not interested in flashing my mug or any other parts of myself to anybody other than the person I choose share my life with.

I respect that

And do heels have to match a bag?

Not in my opinion, no.

Allrighty, I'll bite: What's your favorite thing to cook? Not necessarily to eat (although it CAN be!), but to prepare... because the whole process gives you a sense of joy?

Hmmmm... My favourite thing to cook. I have never actually thought about this before... I am going to have to go with a stuffed roast chicken or any other kind of roast because I suppose I associate them with Sundays and family time.

Good answer; I like that! For me it's doing an old-fashioned "shrimp boil," again because shrimp and shellfish was about weekend family gatherings and happy summertime moments. Very simple and plain; served cold with dipping sauce and hot from the oven in olive oil with tons of crushed garlic... and then a mountain of freshly baked bread.

Oh that DOES sound good! Yeah... the family vibe always does it for me!

It's actually slightly funny/ironic for me to think about it, because I came from such a dysfunctional family situation... perhaps it's because the good moments stand out so clearly that I remember them... That, and perhaps the rose-coloured glasses of passing time!

I'll even bite, a second time. This is a two-parter: What turns you on? And what turns you off?

Remember, this is one of those classic questions that can range from spirituality, to life, to sex, to romance, to activities and beyond... Don't overthink it! Just first thing that comes to mind for each...

Turns me on: Music

Turns me off: Pretension

Yes, def. on the music!

Yeah, pretension. Ack! I get that; I was raised with my mother's particular brand of that....

 4 years ago (edited) 

I recall your post. Hate it. Not your post, lol - pretension.