Beautiful story and beautiful moral: to live the present without giving more importance to the material than to the interior. I really liked the message you left and how the person changes his lifestyle and thinking according to the circumstances of his life. Fabulous story, I loved it from every point of view. I hug you with love, friend @janaveda.
Hermosa historia y bella moraleja: vivir el presente sin darle más importancia a lo material que a lo interior. Me gustó mucho el mensaje que dejas y el como la persona cambia de estilo de vida y pensamiento de acuerdo a las circusntancias de su vida. Fabuloso relato, me encantó desde todo punto de vista. Te abrazo con cariño, amigo @janaveda.
Hello @marybellrg,
I glad your nice comment. I think that the object of a story must transcend the act of entertaining, it must also teach or disseminate guidelines for good living. And now more than ever, when times are hard.
Thank you very much.