30 days blog challenge
13 - Where will i be in 5 years?
I don't have the slightest idea where i'll be in 5 years because you never know where you're going to end up and in five years it rains a lot ( it´s a Dominican saying that means a lot can happen in that time frame ).
So i'm going to talk better about where i would like to be in 5 years...
First of all i have to tell you that i am sick calculating time so i am going to show you my math calculations of it... today i am 22 years old... i see the pandemic ending by 2021, God willing... i see myself looking for a master's degree in Barcelona to leave in September 2021, focus on hotel or restaurant design, on my way to know all Europe, taking too many pictures and continuing my online business... i finish in 2023,then return to my country, get a job and become independent from my house immediately, possibly with two friends who already have it in plans, for sure it takes me a year to adapt to the new apartment (2024) and start my personal project of Interior Design with my own name, brand design, website, blabla... and get small jobs to do them in addition to my regular work... in 2025 i also see myself traveling a lot, dancing a lot, meeting people, socializing and just enjoying life.
You know what my plans are for the next five years, and you. Where will you be in five years? Thank you very much for coming here, I hope to see you again soon.
See you next time and good vibes always.

30 días desafío para blog
13 - ¿Dónde estaré dentro de 5 años?
Yo no tengo ni la más mínima idea de donde estaré en 5 años porque uno nunca sabe donde va a parar y en 5 años llueve mucho (dicho dominicano que significa que pueden pasar muchas cosas en ese rango de tiempo).
Así que voy a hablar mejor de donde quisiera estar en 5 años...
Primero que nada tengo que decirte que soy enferma calculando el tiempo así que te voy a enseñar mis cálculos... hoy tengo 22 años... veo la pandemia terminándose para el 2021, con Dios mediante... me veo buscando maestría en Barcelona para irme en septiembre 2021, diseño hotelero o de restaurantes, de camino conocer toda Europa, tomando demasiadas fotografías y continuando mi negocio online... termino en el 2023, me devuelvo a mi país, consigo trabajo y me independizo de mi casa inmediatamente, posiblemente con dos amigos que ya lo tenemos en planes, seguro me toma un año acoplarme al nuevo apartamento (2024) e inicio mi proyecto personal de Diseño de Interiores con mi nombre, diseño de marca, pagina web, blabla... y consigo trabajitos para hacerlos además de mi trabajo fijo... en el 2025 me veo también viajando mucho, bailando mucho, conociendo, socializando, simplemente disfrutando la vida.
Ya sabes cuales son mis planes para los próximos cinco años, y tú ¿Dónde estarás dentro de 5 años? Muchas gracias por llegar hasta aquí, espero verte pronto de nuevo.
Hasta la próxima y buenas vibras siempre.
This is my entry for the 30 Day Blog Challenge, iniciated by @cwow2, and recommended by my friend @starstrings01, if you want to participate just take the following image and start writing your posts with the tag #bloggingchallenge.
Also have some great writers joining the cause @suffgrace, @lauramica, @macchiata, @wolfofnostreet, @officialuroga, @rollinshive, @cosmictriage, @buttonn, @janettyanez, @jizzyjoe, @suzn.poudel and @martinstomisin always glad to support each other in this wonderful challenge! Can´t wait to see the next days to come.
Esta es mi entrada para el 30 Day Blog Challenge, iniciado por @cwow2, y recomendado por mi amigo @starstrings01, si quieres participar solo toma la siguiente imagen y empieza a escribir tus posts con la etiqueta #bloggingchallenge.
También tenemos algunos grandes escritores que se unen a la causa @suffgrace, @lauramica, @macchiata, @wolfofnostreet, @officialuroga, @rollinshive, @cosmictriage, @buttonn, @janettyanez, @jizzyjoe, @suzn.poudel y @martinstomisin siempre encantados de apoyarse mutuamente en este maravilloso desafío! No puedo esperar a ver los próximos días.
I edited the picture a bit to my liking, you can use it or the original of this post.
Edité la fotografía un poco a mi gusto, puedes utilizarla o la original de este post.
Day 02: 20 facts about me
Day 03: My favorite quote
Day 04: Dream job
Day 05: Proudest moment
Day 06: What am i afraid of
Day 07: My favorite songs
Day 08: 5 Current goals
Day 09: Best trip
Day 10: Ten favorite foods
Day 11: Childhood book
Day 12: Healthy habits

You're probably one of the first I read that has some ideas where would you be in 5 years. Good luck achieving your dreams and goals.
The funny thing is that it may change completly hahahah
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:
Its always good to have some sort of plan ^^ :D
In 5 years I will hopefully have my own company and living from that while continue to invest snd grow my net worth :D
Properly also planning my trip to Norway where I would like to live for 6-12 months before I am 35 ^^ :D
What is your company about?
Just a private Life Coaching company :D
I just need the exam and then I am ready to go! :D
Psicology type coaching or fisics coaching?
Technical neither xD But its close to Psychological coaching.
But Life coaching is just about Coaching other people to reach a goal whatever that goal is, its for normal people who wanna progress in their life and needs a little push in a way^^ :D
Ohhhhh hahahaha that's great!!! Hope to see it up soon.
It will be up at some point. It might take some time tho xD
Wow, you have all planned out, and I hope it comes true, love the way you put it.
The funny thing is that it may change completly hahaha but at leat i have a way to go. Thanks for stopping by.
Awesome plans...I wish you an amazing five years ahead with lot of happiness and pictures
Thank you so much! I hope i can make it!
Muy planificado todo, por lo que veo eres muy metodico, excelente!
Metodica* hahaha y realmente no tanto yo lo planeo pero normalmente sale otra cosa totalmente diferente. Pero es bueno siempre tener un rumbo.
You really will celebrate in the next five years, I pray all your heart desires come to pass,good luck👍
I hope so hahaha
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Muchas graciaaaas
Muchas graciaas!!