por aquí brain-stormer 😄
Holla chiquita!(:
I like that they had names!
No worries, I definitely won't eat them (kind of double standard, but I can not kill an animal even tho I do consume meat), me myself was in a period where my body just rejected meat, any kind of meat, so I spent almost three years without consuming it.
Go for it, if that's what makes you happy!
Unfortunately I am familiar with the Cuba situation, it's so sad for such a beautiful country to suffer (still amazed how people are happy there considering everything).
Roosters are pretty much useless, except to fertilize the hens to lay eggs. That's why we're only planning one, in case the family expands - I don't mind, we live in the countryside (have lot of space on property) and I'll always be able to sell eggs, chickens or perhaps roosters. I love animals (even though I eat them :(), somehow get attached to them quickly, so I plan to name each one (if I remember which one is which).
Gonna to spoil the hell out of them.:D
Thank you very much for sharing your experience, hope you can still visit them in the neighborhood.(: