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RE: Chicken coop coming soon

in Homesteading2 years ago

Hola @alt3r, por aquí brain-stormer 😄

I am 100% in favour of this activity, although I confess that in my experience the only thing I have not been able to do is eat a single chicken. And in fact, I don't think I'm going to raise them anymore because I run the risk of becoming a vegetarian. In recent times I couldn't even eat the frozen foods I buy in the market.
In my neighbourhood, people looked at me funny when I said that I couldn't eat any of my chickens. They were my family. Watching them grow from the time they were little... mmm.
Look, I'm going to tell you about the last ones. They gave me two hens and a rooster and I bought two more hens. In a few months, the family grew. And the time came when I had too many roosters. As I was fond of them, I could not exchange them for hens, not even sell them.
Here in Cuba, the shortage is extreme and the prices are sky high everything. When I did the math, it was twice as expensive to raise chickens just to use the eggs. Besides, there were times when the food just didn't show up.
Since I had space, I left them free and one day they stole my best rooster. They all had names, his name was Jabao.
What I did, in the end, was to give them away to a neighbour who was going to take care of them and not eat them like me, she wanted the eggs only. I suffered for everyone, but mainly for Pitipoi, a story that is already coming to Hive because seeing this post of yours is telling me something.
That chicken place you have designed looks great.


por aquí brain-stormer 😄

Holla chiquita!(:

I like that they had names!

No worries, I definitely won't eat them (kind of double standard, but I can not kill an animal even tho I do consume meat), me myself was in a period where my body just rejected meat, any kind of meat, so I spent almost three years without consuming it.
Go for it, if that's what makes you happy!

Unfortunately I am familiar with the Cuba situation, it's so sad for such a beautiful country to suffer (still amazed how people are happy there considering everything).
Roosters are pretty much useless, except to fertilize the hens to lay eggs. That's why we're only planning one, in case the family expands - I don't mind, we live in the countryside (have lot of space on property) and I'll always be able to sell eggs, chickens or perhaps roosters. I love animals (even though I eat them :(), somehow get attached to them quickly, so I plan to name each one (if I remember which one is which).

Gonna to spoil the hell out of them.:D

Thank you very much for sharing your experience, hope you can still visit them in the neighborhood.(: