Estimated amount of water for today: 506000L.
accumulated amount: 979000L.
continued from:
photo credit:
The night is quiet and the clouds wrap the land low and I am awaken too warm.
I have to adjust my so called pijama before being able to sleep again.
in the morning, the cat greets me, hungry.
the temperature is lower and even though the air is humid, it isn´t raining yet.
it does feel like we will not get to see any glimpse of the sun today.
tomorrow promises a double portion, for good behavior.
I have been thinking earlier that I have to put some chickpeas in water for lunch tomorrow.
I drove to the next village to our local small store to get some fresh stuff to cook in my stew. I love cooking when it is raining outside. taking the time to harmonize the quantities of the ingredients I choose to include.
on the way back, I stopped at our street library cabinet to find some reading material, just in case I will be left in the dark for lack of sun over the weekend.
I love to see the mix of languages that are on offer and in a way represent the many nationalities mixed in to our regional population.
chose some books to take home with me and was most surprised to find a book by Rupert Sheldrake who I like. he has a fascinating theory about the Morphic Fields that just makes so much sense, it is hard to deny.
and the fact one of his talks was banned by TED talks, is likely the best indication that he is "over target"..
you can find out more here:
yesterday, on the way to town, as I was driving in the rain, I have been thinking about a friend, that I miss.
I haven´t seen her in way too long and I miss just sitting with her calmly and talk.
her energy calms and harmonizes me.
when I got home later, I had a message from her.
she wasn´t at all surprised to hear I was thinking about her, saying how we are all telepathically connected.
we were thinking of me going to spend the rainy weekend with her at her place, but then there was a change of plans, life got in the way, and it was cancelled.
I have to say I was disappointed.
photo credit:
she lives in a unique settings, deep within a "Dehesa", a forest of native trees that has been managed and shaped by humans for millenia. usually made up of a mix of aged Cork and Holm oaks that allow for animals to pasture below. cows, sheep and pigs traditionally roam the space under the trees feeding on the grass and acorns.
this is what it looks like.
and zooming out, you can see how isolated this place is. smack in the middle of nature ❤️
In rainy conditions, it gets tough as her access road gets badly flooded. now she leaves the car by the main roads and walks home, some 3kms that separate her place from the tarmac.
she used to manage to drive in but grew tired of having to fix her car due to water damage every season.
even though she is a mare 60kms. from where I am, across the border in Spain, the forecast for her area is of even more rain than here.
I really felt like walking beside her in the rain 😊
here are some fun stats I like to calculate when it rains.
as I do not measure precipitation myself, I use the numbers from the forecast.
so for example, Mr. weatherman has predicted 23mm of rainfall for today.
every 1mm of rainfall over an area of 1 square meter is equal to 1 liter of water.
for that matter, the size of our farm is 2.2 Hectares (or 22000 square meters)
so we take the prediction and multiply it by the total area of the farm.
23 x 22000 = 506000 Liters of water falling on the farm today !
the results are always hugely sounding..!
this is such a good charge for our aquifers ❤️
- please note that between this morning and now, the forecast has updated and the amounts of rain changed (mainly increased..). I updated the calculated amounts and hope I did not mess anything up.
following is the update:
find the differences 😆
Seeing the forecast of wind speed for tomorrow, I find myself preparing for a storm. the cat feels it too and is unusually nervous. I park the van away from its normal spot and away from the large oak and its tendency to drop unnecessary branches in windy conditions.
to be continued... ! (when batteries allow 😆)
thank you for stopping by 🙏
wishing us all a peaceful (and dry) weekend.
volviste..! justo ayer pasé por tu perfil y pensaba en ti.
pues, espero tu proximo post.
buen fin de semana 🙏Hola @lamica !
Hey, my friend!! I've been a bit absent because I'm working on many art projects that take up a lot of my time... I'm slowly coming back, but I hope to share something soon. Thanks for your support and your always good vibes! I really appreciate it! Big hug.
Have a great weekend too! Thank you!