Hello Everyone!
Peculiar dreams, A wonky night's sleep, More rainy weather & Mulling my options!
Alright, I am running behind schedule again with my writing routine... and tonight it is because I kept putting off doing my late day chores until only the very last of the daylight was left. I was also planning on calling a friend... but I think that they must have gotten caught up doing stuff... because I was not able to get a hold of them.
Last night I was up kind of late but eventually drifted off sometime around one in the morning... only to wake back up again at four-thirty. Having been having an intense dream I was wide awake at that point... and it took me a solid hour or more to fall back asleep again... only to start the same dream again right where it had left off before.
I am unsure when I actually got up this morning but it was not super long after sunrise... so... somehow... I managed to get just enough sleep throughout the night. Per usual I did my Hive engagement routine while sipping my first espresso of the day... but whether I actually did any engagement is a blur to me at this hour.
The weather was pretty much the same today as it was yesterday... but this time another thunderstorm rolled through and it rained on and off throughout the day. One thing is for sure... and that is that these bad weather days are really starting to eat into my packing time... as well as stalling the drying process of all the laundry that I have hung up on the dog yard fence.
Anyways, I have pretty much been cooped up indoors all day... and doing my best to stay focused on getting everything lined up for the big move come the end of the month. It is kind of hard to imagine that by this time next month... I will be camping out on my own land... but I am sure that it will feel 'all too real' once I am there doing it!
Given the results of what my friend observed there... I have been heavily rethinking my game plan for setting things up at the new place. Part of that call that I was supposed to have tonight (and probably will have later) was to ask a few follow up questions about that larger flat area just below the smaller flat area that I have mentioned numerous times now.
The thing about that area is (like I said in yesterday's entry) that the way the land all around it is shaped... I cannot see how it would not be quite damp there from rain runoff and snow melt. It is another one of those scenarios where I just do not have good answers... due to not being able to observe that area throughout the course of the year.
Since that area has quite the 'bowl shape' I dread the idea of hauling everything down into it... and not only having to haul things back uphill (on three of the four sides) but also having to deal with mold and such. Needless to say that I am also really hesitant about putting a shed down there... for much of the same reasons.
Heck, I even shopped around for thick millimeter vapor barrier plastic (and polyethylene) material... that I could lay on the ground before the blocks for the shed get put into place. From what I was reading on that shed company's website... putting down a vapor barrier is not part of what they will do as far as site prep goes... and they actually offer no site prep except for using blocks (to set the shed on) if the customer provides them.
Part of me wants to just go into the new place with the carport tent that I have (the one that I use for the shop tent) and maybe one more tent like it... so that I do not wind up with having a shed somewhere that is either bad for it... or where I do not really want one in the first place. Basically, I would just stage everything in the carport tents (hopefully in a dry area) find a site for the shed... and lay down some vapor barrier on the ground before the shed gets delivered.
I could still place the shed in that place that I was originally thinking of putting one... but given what I learned yesterday it would not have the necessary setback from the road. If at all possible I would not only like to avoid running afoul of the local code enforcement officials... but I also want to avoid having the runoff from the building damaging the nearby road.
Something else that I keep thinking about is whether or not I should try to get some gravel poured on the driveway... and possibly at the end of that gravel road that is in the power line easement. That gravel road is actually pretty convenient... and it really would not take a whole lot of gravel to extend it all the way to the edge of my property... which just so happens to be right where that larger flat area is.
So much of the stuff that I am trying to juggle would be a thousand times easier to deal with... if I was on site already and could simply look around. Sure the pictures, videos and other folk's second hand accounts have been quite useful... but seeing how everything is arranged for myself would undoubtedly simplify the entire process.
Well, I have rambled on enough for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

Is your shop tent hard to set up? If not, I would do as you said, wait until I get there so I could see where I wanted things. If you get the shed delivered and don't like where it is you will have to pay more for them to move it where you want it or always be unhappy where it is.
If you know the day you will be there, you could have your shed ordered in advance and have everything you need for it so maybe they can deliver on the next day after you look things over.
As for the vapor barrier, you should order the black plastic that the plant nurseries use, it is thick and lasts a long time.
Good luck with everything.
Yeah the shop tent takes six hours to setup with one person and three hours with two people. If I wind up using it I will wind up running out of daylight before I can get the moving truck and trailer unpacked.
Between all the camping tents that I have I might have enough room to use them as storage. I could then take my time the following day to setup the carport tent.
The tricky part is going to be finding enough flat area to use for the temporary storage and not block the driveway or the path that leads into the woods.
Yeah I am still debating on which route to take with the shed delivery timing. I would definitely prefer being able to see the place before picking a spot for the shed.
That is a good tip for the vapor barrier that landscaping kind is a heck of a lot more durable than what I was looking at.
I hope you can get it all figured out.
Thanks. I will figure out one way or another. The clock is ticking!
I am doing quite okay and I hope that you are doing thesame.
I hate nightmare and having to dream, wake up and still have thesame dream again.
I wish you well my friend
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