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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1268)

in Homesteading10 months ago

Yeah the shop tent takes six hours to setup with one person and three hours with two people. If I wind up using it I will wind up running out of daylight before I can get the moving truck and trailer unpacked.

Between all the camping tents that I have I might have enough room to use them as storage. I could then take my time the following day to setup the carport tent.

The tricky part is going to be finding enough flat area to use for the temporary storage and not block the driveway or the path that leads into the woods.

Yeah I am still debating on which route to take with the shed delivery timing. I would definitely prefer being able to see the place before picking a spot for the shed.

That is a good tip for the vapor barrier that landscaping kind is a heck of a lot more durable than what I was looking at.


I hope you can get it all figured out.

Thanks. I will figure out one way or another. The clock is ticking!