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RE: Looking back at a year

in Homesteading10 months ago

Man, I get whirlwinds. I'm lucky to not at bad ones in the valley here very often. Not a lot you can do there but make kites lol. It sucks watching things blow away and get mangled. Now I'm on page.

Ok I see what you've done with the batteries. So what are you charging for them? You mention in the post that you would sell them. I'm likely not in a position to buy at this moment, just window shopping.


Our current price is $400/ea, though we have a couple volume deals in the works that would lower that, if they go through. Shipping them to CA from NY would add a significant amount to that cost, but we have some people who make that trip now and then, and might be able to work something out if you find yourself in a position to buy in the future. I do have future plans of being able to accept HP/HBD as payment.

Seems like a decent price. i'll keep it in mind. I just opted for golf cart batteries. Was finally able to afford some. They are working out really well so far.