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RE: Looking back at a year

in Homesteading11 months ago

The batteries are Li-ion technology, made from upcycled modules from Gen1 Nissan Leaf modules. We have installed a BMS that sets top voltage at 59V, bottom voltage at 44V, but we can configure this to work with inverters that cut out before going that high or low. They have a maximum current of 60A, though we've never actually gone above 18A in/out on our 10.5KW system. With 15A coming in from the charge controller, they reach full charge from the low-end shutoff in about 40 minutes.

Your description of how to install the hoop house is pretty much what we did. The problem we have is that the valley where we installed it tends to induce whirlwinds, so we're unable to orient it against prevailing winds. We've decided to build a timber frame greenhouse in that area, and try the hoop house in one of the calmer fields.


Man, I get whirlwinds. I'm lucky to not at bad ones in the valley here very often. Not a lot you can do there but make kites lol. It sucks watching things blow away and get mangled. Now I'm on page.

Ok I see what you've done with the batteries. So what are you charging for them? You mention in the post that you would sell them. I'm likely not in a position to buy at this moment, just window shopping.

Our current price is $400/ea, though we have a couple volume deals in the works that would lower that, if they go through. Shipping them to CA from NY would add a significant amount to that cost, but we have some people who make that trip now and then, and might be able to work something out if you find yourself in a position to buy in the future. I do have future plans of being able to accept HP/HBD as payment.

Seems like a decent price. i'll keep it in mind. I just opted for golf cart batteries. Was finally able to afford some. They are working out really well so far.