What a little, little lamb!

I've just returned from a four day work trip out of state, and found something out in my woods. I went out to start cold-smoking some cheese to bring to a gathering this sabbath and thought I heard something out near the edge of our property. I thought it was an armadillo...

Those are armadillos, in case you haven't seen them before. We've got plenty in our area. Anyway, armadillos can make a lot of noise rustling through the leaves on the forest floor in the dark of the night, so I thought what I was hearing was them. However, I soon realized that the sheep had been moved while I was out of state, as they began to bray upon my approach.

As I got closer, I began picking out individual sheep with my flashlight until I saw Happy, but she was not alone. She had just given birth to a tiny ewe. Honestly, this little ewe lamb was tiny. We had been expecting this birth, and I was somewhat surprised I had not received a call and photo while I was gone working. It looks like she waited for me to return!

I quickly went back to the house to notify Mama-Pepper and Pinkie-Pepper, since they were still up. Here's a handful of pics of this little ewe lamb. Enjoy!


Until next time…

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congratulations on, yet, another new arrival on, and to, the homestead family! 🎉