2025 will be My Metaverse Year / 2025年はメタバースデビューしたい!

in Metaverse,3DCG2 months ago

Creating Bitcoin's ₿ in My Daughter's Minecraft Server

I got to know on the Hive JA Discord that @cameshow made a community about metaverse and 3D CG on Hive 👏 This inspired me to share my own story. Right at the start of the year, I found the perfect topic to post about 😊

Two years ago, when we attended a wedding, and I thought my daughter @monster.factory would get bored during the seven-hour train ride. So, I installed Minecraft and she fell in love with it. Now, she's way better at playing it than I could ever hope to be. Last year, she even set up her own server to play with her classmates.

You'll see a "Happy Birthday" message on the picture below. My daughter built this to celebrate one of her Minecraft friend's birthdays. They are digital natives ... !

₿ Completed 🙌

Although I manage the server, I hadn’t played Minecraft myself much—until recently. I used to be a huge gamer when I was in high school more than 20 years ago. I’d skip school to grab a new Final Fantasy release and spend more than 10 hours a day playing games. But sometime in university, I drifted away from gaming. The real world just became more exciting. You could say the thrill of a casino in a game was no match for the real-world stock market!

For months, my daughter had been asking me to join her on the Minecraft server. So, on New Year’s Day, I finally gave it a try. I decided to build Bitcoin’s ₿ symbol—and to my surprise, it was a lot of fun. Honestly, it’s so enjoyable. If I played all day like I used to, I might start questioning my life choices, but a bit of Minecraft now and then is a real joy. It reminded me of the fun we had on @cameshow's Spatial tour with the Hive JA community recently—everyone hopping around and having a great time. Also taking screenshots in metaverse feels like shooting photos in real life and it's really fun.

I’ve been curious about the metaverse for a while. The 2020 and 2021 Hive Fests held online during the pandemic were my first taste of it. I also visited exhibitions by @go-kyo and NFT Showroom in Voxels, which piqued my interest. But, since I hadn’t gamed in years, I struggled to dive in fully.

It took a few years and a series of coincidences, but I think I’m finally starting to grasp what makes the metaverse so interesting. This year, I want to make my debut in the metaverse! Here’s what I have in mind:

  • Explore different virtual spaces.
  • Try creating my own space. I’d love to set up an exhibition and invite friends.

I’m a total beginner. I don’t know much about the platforms out there or which ones suit my use case. Fortunately, the Hive JA community is filled with experts like @cameshow and @hancos (a Decentraland ambassador!). I’m excited to learn from them.

Here’s to an exciting 2025—both in the real world and the metaverse 😉

🤖 🤖 🤖

子供のマインクラフトサーバーでビットコインの ₿ を制作中

メタバースカメラマンの @cameshow さんがメタバースや3DCGについてのコミュニティを作っているのHive JAのディスコードで知って、投稿したいと思っていました。年初早々にネタができたので投稿します 😊

一昨年、親戚の結婚式があり、子供が7時間の電車の旅に飽きるだろうなとマインクラフトをインストールしたらはまるはまる・・・もう私なんかよりも全然上手で、去年はサーバーを作ってクラスメイトと遊ぶようになりました。下の写真の真ん中より少し左上に「Happy Birthday」とあるのですが、これはマインクラフトで一緒に遊んでいるクラスメイトへの誕生日のお祝いのメッセージだそうです。デジタルネイティブ!

₿ 完成 🙌


子供にそのマインクラフトサーバーで遊ぼうと長らく誘われていて、元旦に遊びに行ってきました。何をしようか考えてビットコインの₿を建造したら、あれ・・・、楽しいですね。楽しい。子供の頃のように一日中プレイしたら、さすがに時間の使い方を自己嫌悪しそうですが、でも楽しい。先日のcameshowさんのSpatialのツアーもHive JAのみんなでわいわいぴょんぴょん楽しかったです。あと、写真を撮るのも楽しいですよね。メタバースでスクリーンショットを撮るのって、現実世界で写真を撮るみたいで楽しいです。

メタバースには、コロナ禍でオンライン開催された2020年と2021年のHive Festや、@go-kyo さんやNFT ShorwoomのVoxelsでの展示を見に行って興味は持っていたのですが、ゲームと遠ざかって久しく、日々使うのはなかなか重い腰が上がりませんでした。


  • 空間に遊びに行く
  • 空間を作る側も体験したい。何らかの展示をして、お友達を読んでみたい。

ものすごく初心者で、どんなプラットフォームがあって、どこのどういうことろがいいのかといったことも把握できていない状態ですが、Hive JAにはcameshowさんだけでなく、Decentralandのアンバサダーの @hancos さんもいますし、たくさん学ばせていただけたらと思っています。

みなさん、2025年はメタバースでもどうぞよろしくお願いいたします 🙇


Thank you so much for sharing your post with your child right away!
I’m so happy!
Let’s continue exploring other Metaverse platforms that I haven’t introduced yet together on the tour!😁

We look forward the next tour ☺️

That's such a great news and nice to see Metaverse is back on the conversation. I really hope this year there'll be Hivefest and online in the Metaverse too 😁

It's away more interesting than I thought. I needed time to get into it. Maybe parallel Hive Fest both online/offline 😁

Right? I was wondering why they didn't do that last year. It would have been nicer to have both


