Winter is gone. Did she leave? (7pics)

in CCH8 months ago

Greetings friends.
Good day and good night, suddenly someone does not know that there is night and day on Earth at the same time.
And even at the same time there is spring and there is autumn. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the winter months are behind us and the calendar spring has come. Why do I mention the word calendar? Because someone doesn't have winter at all. For example, for me, the UAE is such a country. In December, the temperature there is higher than in my region, even in summer.
So, what am I talking about? Oh, yes, I'm talking about spring. Autumn begins in the Southern hemisphere of the Earth. Why is this happening? This is all because our planet does not rotate completely around a vertical axis; it has an inclination, so the Sun's rays hit the surface at different angles.
But I've gone too far, I just wanted to take stock of my winter a little bit. What was good for me and what was not so good?

This winter, Mother Nature decided to bake a large layer cake from frosty days and make a layer of snowy days between them. I can say that this is a classic option. Before sending a big frost, the Almighty sent us a snow blanket and carefully wrapped it around the soil, trees and houses with all the buildings. That would be very good. But why sprinkle snow on the roads and my yard? He does this every time in vain.
But the main wave of snow came to us already in the middle of January. At that time, it snowed incessantly for 3 days and many of the paths along which I walked with my dog became inaccessible. So now I walk with her only along the main road towards the neighboring village, but every day the road gets narrower, because the road is cleared of snow by weak cars, and they cannot throw snow over the edge.
By the way, today, on the first day of spring, it started snowing in the morning. The utilities probably decided 2 weeks ago that winter was over and did not remove snow from secondary streets at all. So today is another apocalypse for motorists and pedestrians too.
This is perhaps the most unpleasant moment in winter - heavy snow and sometimes severe frosts when the temperature drops below -30 degrees.

What was good this winter? Oh, yes, the most pleasant thing has been since the first day of January - these are various airdrops that rewarded me for the work I did last year on various testnets and activities in the crypto world. I was able to slightly improve my financial situation on the plus side and close some of my financial debts. In February, I received a reward from the StarkNet project, but I made a little mistake in the further prediction of the $STRK token. But it didn't cloud me.
Damn, I remembered. My mood and the mood of my family were overshadowed by the Cheelee project. I met him last May and I liked him. This project is an alternative to short videos on YouTube and Instagram. But in February of this year, the project decided to turn away from its investor users and began to ban accounts, explaining this with a new AI tool that has poorly learned how to detect fraud on the part of users. But even after 3 weeks, the lock was not lifted from my account, and I invested $465 in the project in early February. The project owners do not explain the reasons why the account is blocked. And funds are not withdrawn from the account.
But it deserves a separate post so that other people don't fall for these scams. Our family decided that it was necessary to move on and not overshadow their lives with such a trifle.

On January 26, my grandson came to visit us. Of course, he wasn't alone. His mom and dad were with him, as well as 2 cats, which I have already told you about many times - Tomik and Marek.
This morning they all went home to Moscow. For almost a month and a half, the grandson pleased us. He is now 8 months old. This is the time when a child begins to actively explore the world around him. He starts to get on his feet and try to walk. Tim learned to push a stool in front of him and walk forward in this way. He also started saying a word similar to the words "mom" and "baba". So February was very wonderful for our family.

Alexei Navalny was buried in Moscow today. He died in prison, where our authorities gave him inhuman conditions. He spent 3 years in prison, of which he was in the punishment cell for 300 days: a small cold concrete room with one chair, without the opportunity to sleep and rest. It is said that Alexei's blood clot came off, but it is not known for sure. And even the already dead Alexei posed some kind of danger to the Ruling caste of our state. The authorities did not give an opportunity to bury this opposition politician with dignity. Of course, many people in our country considered him an enemy and rejoiced that he was dead. Our society has become violent in the 21st century.
This is what overshadowed the beginning of spring.

We are still a long way from real spring, about a month and a half or even more.


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Good luck and have fun


Greetings friend this post brings everything from beautiful images for photography lovers a LITTLE family tour and then politics it really kept me awake as I read

Cool shots! Is winter gone? Still looks pretty cold, though! 😂