A few people told me I should do this, honestly I'm not sure why, but here we go. I am quite literally an open book and embraced the idea of radical honesty and authenticity about four years ago, which was approximately the same time that I embarked on my journey into STEEM. I am an advocate for blockchain and HIVE in particular, I'm working on promoting our new digital home here and when I'm not trying to pay the bills through wage slavery in the meatsack world, the vast majority of my time is devoted to building communities and helping out around the blockchain in many various ways. I also like to deep dive into philosophical topics and explore the nature of consciousness and the human condition.
Feel free to ask me anything about myself and I will tell you no lies. Much love.
Greetings champ! I've seen you around a lot on PAL and MSP and though I don't know you, I know for sure you're one of good ones. I used to be a liar but after many years I found out and concluded that te only person I was lying the most was to myself; In order to admit such claim I passed through a huge process of getting deep into myself and know things about me that I personally didn't know I had. Having said that, What made you embrace with the idea of radical honesty? Have you had any issues with people around you by being so?
Best Regards!
Sounds like we came to the same conclusion about lying to ourselves. Essentially I spent the first 30 years of my life trying to be what I thought I had to be or what I was supposed to be and I got very good at convincing other people that I was this person. The only problem was I absolutely hated myself and had no idea what happiness was or even how to just be content in life.
So from the time I was in high school until about 4 years ago I just numbed out. The only way I could deal with putting on the show for everyone and being miserable on the inside at all times was to either be completely fucked up on whatever flavor of narcotic I was using at the time or disappearing into video games or books. Looking back on it, the video games and books were just the pre-drug escapism.
Basically I had a real face plant moment when I fell in love with someone and it didn't work out, so in the aftermath I came to the realization that I didn't even know who I was and that expecting anyone else to wasn't really fair. If we can't be honest with ourselves how can we be honest with anyone else?
So from that moment of complete brokenness and "rock bottom" I spent a couple years putting the pieces back together and figuring out who I was. The whole journey is actually chronicled on my blog here if you can go back a couple years and find it. I used to pick themes every day and just dissect them and break down my flawed beliefs and embrace my own truth. In the end, here I am and there's no going back.
Clay, chocolate with peanut butter or with strawberry?
Definitely chocolate with peanut butter. If there was an option for dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel though, it would win. :D
who first hatched the chicken or the egg?
I'm going with chicken.
Hey Clayboyn thanks for stopping in.
My question is if you had to re-do something in your life what would it be?
It's kind of funny you ask this, because I've spent so much time working on getting to a place where I'm at peace with my past and don't really waste a lot of times on the "what if's," but that being said, one thing the person that I am not in this moment would do differently given the opportunity again that I had back then is that I would have saved my BTC instead of gambling it all away. That being said, it is what it is and there's no point worry about things that we cannot change. Just learn and move on.
If you had $5 and in a pet store, would you buy a dog or a cat treat?
This one is simple as I'm definitely a dog person. I'm buying the dog treat. That being said I do think Ciara has an adorable kitty.
What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?
I had to think on this one for a few minutes, but I think I got one. So I've been doing my podcast thing for 110 episodes so far and I just figured out last week that the static wasn't from me having to amplify my microphone so that people could hear me, but from the combination of that and having a fan run behind me. So now I just have to not run the fan and the recording sounds much cleaner. Live and learn.
I record in my kitchen and I have to wait for the refrigerator/dishwasher/heat is all not running to get a clear sound. I hear you there!!
Great answer and so happy you found what was causing your noise
the most liked movie you have seen...
Oh man this one is going to kill me. I'm a pretty big movie buff and picking a favorite is damn near impossible and the answer changes depending on the day and mood, but as of right now, if I had to pick a favorite/most impactful movie that I never get tired of watching, I'll say The Matrix.
Ok, I have to ask the golden question, what is your favorite butt picture of all time?
Well okay this one probably needs a little explanation, but the first thing to understand is that I am a fan of butts, so picking a favorite is damn near impossible, but I can tell you where the fixation started. When I was in high school one of my friends sent me this video and it's all been downhill ever since. So I guess on some level Keyra Augustina might be my favorite butt pic of all time?
Holy shit she does have a nice rear-end . I could see that hooking me to it if someone sent me that in high school. I like your healthy obsession and thanks for the honest answer.
The constant exploration and discussion.... what drives it?
Is it just a desire to understand, or do you seek to influence?
That's a very good question. While I definitely don't aim to tell anyone what to believe or how to live their life, as I feel it's extremely important for all of us to breakdown our own belief systems and figure out what resonates with our own selves at the deepest level, I've come to the conclusion that it's impossible not to influence others in some way any time we are interacting with them, regardless of our intentions.
In my mind I reconcile this contradiction by essentially having faith in the universe and the law of attraction that if someone is drawn to read or hear what I have to say and it resonates with them to the point that it sparks a major change, then ultimately it's something they were looking for on a conscious or subconscious level. I mainly phrase things in ways to get people to question and challenge their own beliefs rather than telling them what is right or wrong.
If something I say changes and influences how they live their life then they found to me for a reason. In the grandest sense of things, we can't hear anything that we aren't trying to hear and we can't breakdown beliefs that we aren't meant to breakdown, which is one of the reasons I avoid a lot of arguments. It just is what it is. I am merely the sounding board for other's consciousness as they are for mine and in the end we are all just infinite reflections of the same source consciousness (at least from my perspective).
what is your favorite mega man game
I'm thinking 3 today, but I suppose sometimes legends win out.
What is the first fast-food item you are ordering once Covid-19 restrictions start to lift?
Fast-food, hmmm probably What A Burger.
Who wears the beard better, Clay or The Beard(James Harden)?
Me? I suppose that's all a matter of opinion though.