Sounds like we came to the same conclusion about lying to ourselves. Essentially I spent the first 30 years of my life trying to be what I thought I had to be or what I was supposed to be and I got very good at convincing other people that I was this person. The only problem was I absolutely hated myself and had no idea what happiness was or even how to just be content in life.
So from the time I was in high school until about 4 years ago I just numbed out. The only way I could deal with putting on the show for everyone and being miserable on the inside at all times was to either be completely fucked up on whatever flavor of narcotic I was using at the time or disappearing into video games or books. Looking back on it, the video games and books were just the pre-drug escapism.
Basically I had a real face plant moment when I fell in love with someone and it didn't work out, so in the aftermath I came to the realization that I didn't even know who I was and that expecting anyone else to wasn't really fair. If we can't be honest with ourselves how can we be honest with anyone else?
So from that moment of complete brokenness and "rock bottom" I spent a couple years putting the pieces back together and figuring out who I was. The whole journey is actually chronicled on my blog here if you can go back a couple years and find it. I used to pick themes every day and just dissect them and break down my flawed beliefs and embrace my own truth. In the end, here I am and there's no going back.