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RE: Another image of Water

in Stock Images4 days ago

I have another question regarding the images.
"As for your pictures, you state that they are stock, but you have to provide a link that guarantees your authorship and that they have been take by you because anyone could claim the authorship justifying that it is a free use image. However, I recommend that you share original photos on Hive that you start taking for Hive and that are accompanied by a purpose/story."

Do you mean that it is better if a share a link to some site like where I uploaded them first?
I do not know how I can verify authorship, I just uploaded them first on

Thank you.


There is no need to upload them on a different place first. You can upload them directly at hive :) - If they are yours its not problem. but If its free to use pictures that weren't taken by you, please provide the original link.

Ok, thank you. I only share my own images in my posts and I give them into the Public Domain.