My biggest eye opener this week is that I need to set more realistic goals.
This second time around in the thirty day challenge is almost too much this time because I have been working in the day more.
Finding a balance is my big lesson this week.
My biggest eye opener this week is that I need to set more realistic goals.
This second time around in the thirty day challenge is almost too much this time because I have been working in the day more.
Finding a balance is my big lesson this week.
Oh man, that's the truth. Balance is key to all this stuff!
Thanks Jon your great leadership helps a whole lot
I agree. I found myself this week doing the easiest stuff so I could mark it off the list. Balancing all of the various things is very important which would include family and life other than work.
I do that too. I like to start with the hard things normally. but when it becomes too much I do the simpler things
Guilty as charged a lot of my goals have been completely unrealistic, borderline fantasy lol. In a 12 hour day, I will only be at top efficiency for only about 6 of those hours the rest of the time I am at about 50%. Unrealistic goals breed frustration and can lead to burnout. Thank you for raising this point :-)
Sounds like me. It also leads to burnout.
Balance is real important in my journey nowdays.
Zig Ziglar writes a lot about real success. Ziglar writes that you can't call yourself successful by being financially wealthy but having poor physical health, poor relationships with your family, and no spiritual life. Success equals full balance 😀
Oh man...setting realistic goals! That is a challenge to me too!
Its all a work in progress
Absolutely! I agree.