Since I am now retired from my full-time job, I have found that fires me up is having a since of purpose. I had not found anything meaningful (other than my family/friends) to keep my mind occupied. I have seen so many people start wasting away after they retired. I did not want to be one of those people.
I love learning and also sharing what I have learned from my years of living. Being retired, I am on a fixed income. ClickTrackProfit, CTPTalk and the hive platform has provided me the means of keeping my mind fully engaged, learning new things while earning at the same time. I look forward to my days of getting online, learning about crypto and online business.
I understand how one retires from an industry. I retired from the Marine Corps after only 16 years. I retired from IT after 9 years. Never have I ever retired from life. There is always something new over the horizon, and I think that is what you are experiencing.
Let me say that I am so happy you found the ctp community :-)
One thing I know... One is useless
If he decided to be. Get out of your comfort zone there is always something you can learn from that.
But don't stray too far due to health issues 🙂.
Good for you. I am right behind you.
I intend on retiring from things I don't want to do.
I think that's a huge benefit to building something online. Potential extra income! Doesn't need to be millions but getting paid for what you love to do...Huge win!