CTP Chat For May 27th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago


We all have reasons why...

It's what drives us, gets us focused and working so hard!

So in today's question, while we're not trying to get too personal...

What fires you up?

What keeps you focused on growing your business and / or what inspires you to keep on, keeping on?

Looking forward to reading these answers :)


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My Why and What fires me up is knowing that I get to get up each day and do what I want or need to do for my family and business. Like this week we were able to just pick up and take off for a couple of days to get my Dad down to his condo in Chicago. I was able to still work from there on my schedule. Not having to ask for time off from a jerk boss who doesn't care about me, my life or my family. It's very motivating for me.

Having to be your boss is one great feeling.😎👊

!ENGAGE 10@hariton, yes it is! It makes all the effort worthwhile. At least for me it does. Enjoy your week! 😀

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Having your own business and being your own boss does provide a lot of flexibility. Keep up the great work.

!ENGAGE 10@darmst5339, thanks so much! Have a great Sunday and a productive week coming up!😀

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Freedom is a big pull for people!

I love working for myself, just for that simple fact!

Exactly, Jon! Everything I am doing I am doing on my schedule. I don't have any other plan either. It's this or nothing. 😀

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Lisa, you got that right. Working a job for a living is definitely the pits. Self employment is a life of freedom :-)

Chris, that's because with working a job all you're doing is helping the owner of that business get wealthier! You're never really going to get anything from it more than a paycheck. It's not like when our parents were working and the companies at least paid for the insurance and other benefits. That's long gone. I mean if you're okay with that then that's fine. But I'd rather work my butt off for myself than for someone else. And truth be told, I'm not a good employee anyway. LOL😀

Made in Canva


The funny thing is except for Restaurants I have normally had jobs that paid full benefits even 410K. No matter how great the job usually within about four months it would turn into boring work. I absolutely hate being bored, plus the money was never that good. It only took less than 6 months for eBay to surpass my Walmart wages but I held on to it for another year just to be sure, then I put in my two weeks, talk about shocked expressions lol

The reason I got fired from my corporate job is because after a couple of years of being really good at cataloging books they shoved me into a supervisory position. I was told I didn't have a choice and I made the mistake of using the company's Employee Assistance Program to try and get my job back the way it was. Never trust anything provided by the company. I was put on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. I wasn't anxious or depressed. I was PISSED OFF because I didn't want to have direct reports. There is so much more to this story. But in every job I ever held there was a honey moon period and then it went to hell in hand cart.
The day I got fired was pretty entertaining, for me' anyway. There was shock and awe because I wouldn't react to them and only answered there questions with yes, no or shoulder shrug. I went full on passive aggressive. LOL


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That is great that you are in that position. What a blessing. Freedom is awesome

I am grateful for it everyday! Freedom is awesome and a major blessing. Thanks, Tom! Enjoy your weekend!😀

Made in Canva


Family & Friends Fire Me Up

When I have accomplished my goals, this will position me to help those in need. Right now if my Brother needed a $5,000 loan I could not do it. This is a serious financial impairment. Even though I am self-employed, I still live paycheck to paycheck.

I think most people are in a similar boat and want to be in a better position. Together as a community, we are helping each other get better and achieve our goals. Maybe next year at this time, you will be in a better position to have the ability if it is needed to make a loan. One step at a time. Progress makes it happen.

Thank you so much for your kind words :-)

I feel the same. all you can do is keep on keeping on and have faith it will all work out

Thanks Tom I really appreciate that 😀

This may sound cheesy, but waking up ALIVE; fires me up. No matter how bad things are. Only one time in my life at a much younger age that I felt that death was a better alternative. I was very depressed, but it was momentary. Oh yes and my Knicks won last night! I’m frickin stoked!!

We are not promised days of life so I agree, Life is something to get fired up about :-) You're a motivational guy Jimmy :-)

How the hell was I not following you @mba2020 lol. I swear. It happened with a few other folks too. It's like we communicate all the time, I already believe we are connected lmao.

No worries that has happened to me with other members. We connect and talk so much through telegram and ctpchat that I thought you were following me as well lol

Not that cheesy to be grateful for waking up each day with another chance to live your life. I think at one time or another we all experience the darkness and depression to some degree. I know I have. Not fun stuff. I don't really follow sports but Congratulations on your Knicks winning. If they didn't beat the Milwaukee Bucks. LOL

I am right there with you. Being ALIVE is so much better...LOL

I am totally with you on that. Depression can suck the life out of a person

I hear that man, dark paths can be awful.

Good Knicks...I've always maintained that a strong Knicks team is great for the NBA.

And I was a huge John Starks fan LOL

Oh man Starks. Those were the days. But didn't get a championship out of it with that team. Crushing.

Yeah and being a Raptors fan, I'll always love Oakley too.

Those Knick teams in the 90's were amazing. I loved watching them.

Since I am now retired from my full-time job, I have found that fires me up is having a since of purpose. I had not found anything meaningful (other than my family/friends) to keep my mind occupied. I have seen so many people start wasting away after they retired. I did not want to be one of those people.

I love learning and also sharing what I have learned from my years of living. Being retired, I am on a fixed income. ClickTrackProfit, CTPTalk and the hive platform has provided me the means of keeping my mind fully engaged, learning new things while earning at the same time. I look forward to my days of getting online, learning about crypto and online business.

I understand how one retires from an industry. I retired from the Marine Corps after only 16 years. I retired from IT after 9 years. Never have I ever retired from life. There is always something new over the horizon, and I think that is what you are experiencing.
Let me say that I am so happy you found the ctp community :-)

One thing I know... One is useless
If he decided to be. Get out of your comfort zone there is always something you can learn from that.
But don't stray too far due to health issues 🙂.

Good for you. I am right behind you.
I intend on retiring from things I don't want to do.

I think that's a huge benefit to building something online. Potential extra income! Doesn't need to be millions but getting paid for what you love to do...Huge win!

Knowing that for the first time in a long time that I am on the right path. I am finally building things that can help people learn how to be successful entrepreneurs themselves. It's been extremely humbling to work with such a diverse group on a global scale. Leaving Apple last year was the best choice I have ever made for myself. The fact that my money continues to grow on a daily basis and that I am going to have something to be able to pass on to my kids without government intervention is really what drives me... Building a legacy!

I still can't believe the Apple gig. I would have died for that LOL

until you actually got the job and started working there, lol. Trust me, you are probably better off doing what you are doing and being free! LOL. I mean it wasn't terrible, they had me for 8 years, just didn't appreciate me. Thought there was more opportunity than there actually is. They like to use people for what they can get out of them and not pay them any extra or really what they are worth unless you are in the development world, which I was not.

Moving from a corporate job to being in business for yourself is a major change. But the people here at CTP help that transition even easier. They always seem open to providing feedback if asked. It is a very good community to be a part of.

Building a legacy is a very compelling reason for success. John D. Rockefeller at one time was the richest man in America, was making $182 a minute, and owned Standard Oil. Even though he died in 1937 almost a hundred years ago, and we are still studying his work :-)

I feel the same way. I am on a very good path now also.

One day your future self will thank you for being consistent. 🤝

I enjoy Marketing online. I am 60 and won't be doing construction for another ten years.
So I am working hard to quit my regular work.
That is what fires me up. I have to create a big change one way or another.

Construction can be so hard on your body as well. This group hopefully will be able to help get your online marketing on jet fuel. Anything is possible with the drive, desire and hard work.

That is why I want to quit. I am not as agile as I used to be and have to go a little slower these days

What keeps me fired 🔥 up is being a computer student and also know what I to be which self-employed I don't have to depend on any government job or public job being able to manipulate my business where and whenever I want, is my boss and most important to prove to others in my country that you don't have to do illegal things to have money, you can get good cash steady for you know your way online.
I always tell them " I don't need no frauds 😎, I don't need no.... Drama when PO PO calls".
Like it or not am already a boss on my own✌.

Learn, earn and save as much as you can while you are young. Then when you get older you will have all the freedom you want and desire because you will not be dependent on anyone.

Awesome advice. When I was 16, had the privilege of listening to Zig Ziglar talk about turning your commute into Automobile University, which by listening to audiobooks but back then were called books on tape. :-)

I still have some of those books on Tape...LOL I am so glad there are podcast and audio books now.

Me too lol there are about 40 audiobooks on my phone plus about 20 podcasts could you imagine lugging around the physical equivalent lol 🤣

Wow, I never read of it before

Zig Ziglar is amazing I would recommend any of his books, also his audiobooks are amazing, as they are like attending one of his shows, and the manner in which he speaks is very entertaining to listen to. The information contained therein so vital for what we do here. Lately, @jongolson has me hooked on Brian Tracy 😀

Can you help me with a link to start

You can find any of Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy's books on Audible, Amazon, eBay, and many other places on the internet. For example https://www.ebay.com/itm/143516689508?epid=135575&hash=item216a42e464:g:B1UAAOSwnPBf~w8f https://www.amazon.com/Eat-That-Frog-Great-Procrastinating/dp/162656941X/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=Brian+Tracy&qid=1622770329&sr=8-4

The above links are not mine and I am not affiliated with them. I just chose two random examples 🙂

That's awesome man!

And you are still young. If you stick with this stuff, in a few years from now you'll be doing big things!!

Stay focused and keep working it you will achieve all of your goals :-)

I love being my own boss. even though I still need to work a lot

Yeah it means you can do your work at anywhere and any time
Right now it's 10:47 am and am still at my bed
If I have cash I go out eat and work on my phone
I bought this lifestyle ✌😎BOSS

That's awesome, Hariton! I only wish that more people would use their talents to do good like you are instead of finding ways to mess with other peoples' lives by defrauding them.

It everywhere around me
That's why am planning on leaving form here.
This year.

!ENGAGE 10@hariton, I hope you find someplace to be that makes you much happier. Have a great week! 😀

Made in Canva


Thank you

😀You're welcome, @hariton! Happy Monday!😀

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That's great to hear :) That is the same mindset I had when I took the computer course and when I was a student .

It has helped me a lot
Know computer helps me to understand this blockchain a lot and being a programmer has help me in understanding the use case of hive a little

Great question what fires me up is helping other liked mined people like myself. Building my business is very exciting!

Best part about being in business, is the people you meet along your journey.

I like helping because it makes me feel good, especially when people succeed

yes that is why I do what I do Love it

So I'm an idiot...

I already asked this question earlier this week...I think I'm losing it lol

It was more of a poke into your reasons why...

So here's mine.


Family fires me up. It's my reason why. And why I have no plan B at all....I'm all in on this online business stuff LOL

God and family should come first
That on I recognize 🥰

I thought the question sounded familiar but I went with it anyway. And it gave others a chance to answer who missed it when you asked the first time. Beautiful family!

Agreed. Family is one of the best motivators in life. It will help push your limits and then some (all in a good way).

You have an amazing family easy to see how they can be your motivation for everything :-)

I Don't mind you asking again. It helped me get a little more clear on my answer

I get fired up by building useful things. It's an awesome feeling seeing your creation solve someone's problem. When a new project takes flight and comes alive, it's so cool to observe. And it's fascinating when it goes in a direction you never anticipated.

After you have created something that solves someone's problem and then they start sending people to you to solve their problems (project wise) is a great feeling as well.

That is awesome, the quality of people here is just amazing :-) It is great to be working with so many people from all over the world dedicated to building things, relationships, and each other. Everyone here is so supportive it is great. Keep the good vibes coming Torrey :-)

I love building things too. I spent most of my life in construction.
I love the challenge of my online business also for being creative

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That was actually one of the questions on my job interview I had last week.
As a Spa Therapist is the people! And making them feel happy, relaxed, and better!
Online is no different, is the people too! Helping them to the best of my ability so we can be successful together :)

My why? Have to bring my boy's homework to show all my why:


Forgive my fancy drawings but this was fun and yes my family is my Why ❤
Even though I haven't got the opportunity to explain what I'm doing online, I will one day!

Edit: lol just noticed that I replied to hivebuzz instead of the post. oh well 😂

No words to explain
But that's nice.

I am very happy to hear that you may be returning to an industry that you enjoy, a bit sad because you won't always be available. Having you here constantly has spoiled us deeply lol :-)

hehe, I'll try to be around as I can, depends on the place if has a signal or not...sometimes spas are underground.
My old workplace I even had wifi and during my lunchtime, I would watch the webinars' replays lol
Taking notes or even working on content for CTP Blueprint. Good times!
But I know the feeling, it is a bittersweet feeling but I will do my best to be present anyway :)

Family is one of the best reasons why. It is a lot easier to get motivated when you focus on what matters most first.

Family should definitely be on top. especially for the kids