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RE: CTP Chat For May 27th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago (edited)

So I'm an idiot...

I already asked this question earlier this week...I think I'm losing it lol

It was more of a poke into your reasons why...

So here's mine.


Family fires me up. It's my reason why. And why I have no plan B at all....I'm all in on this online business stuff LOL


God and family should come first
That on I recognize 🥰

I thought the question sounded familiar but I went with it anyway. And it gave others a chance to answer who missed it when you asked the first time. Beautiful family!

Agreed. Family is one of the best motivators in life. It will help push your limits and then some (all in a good way).

You have an amazing family easy to see how they can be your motivation for everything :-)

I Don't mind you asking again. It helped me get a little more clear on my answer