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RE: Bee Part of the Swarm Honey Pot - 01 September 2020 - This Poast CLOSED for Entries

in The CTP Swarm5 years ago

Congratulations @chmoen for the win

quote from -Mandyam Srinivasan- "It is well known that bees steer by the sun, adjusting their compass as it moves across the sky, and then convert that information into instructions for other bees by waggling their body to signal the direction of the honey,” he says. “It is also known that bees can find the honey source even on cloudy days when the sun isn't visible. Other laboratories have shown from studying their eyes that bees can see a pattern of polarised light in the sky even when the sun isn't shining: the big question was could they translate the navigational information it provides into their waggle dance."
Info and more about this here