Bee Part of the Swarm Honey Pot - 01 September 2020 - This Poast CLOSED for Entries

in The CTP Swarm5 years ago (edited)


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What do Bees use for navigation on a cloudy day

It takes 19 stings per kilo of body weight to be lethal

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Is that what antennae are for?

 5 years ago  

Congratulations, @chmoen!

They use their antennae

 5 years ago  

Congrats @chmoen :)

Bees use their antennae for the cloudy days. 🐝

Congrats on winning the honey post today @chmoen

Bees eyes can see the orientation of polarised light, so they read clues to the hidden sun's position in polarised light.

Thank you

Congratulations @chmoen for the win

quote from -Mandyam Srinivasan- "It is well known that bees steer by the sun, adjusting their compass as it moves across the sky, and then convert that information into instructions for other bees by waggling their body to signal the direction of the honey,” he says. “It is also known that bees can find the honey source even on cloudy days when the sun isn't visible. Other laboratories have shown from studying their eyes that bees can see a pattern of polarised light in the sky even when the sun isn't shining: the big question was could they translate the navigational information it provides into their waggle dance."
Info and more about this here

Congrats @chmoen for the win

They use their antennae just seems like common sense on that one

Congrats @chmoen!

they read clues to the hidden sun's position in polarised light
Bees are super amazing, huh?

Happy Chooseday folks! What did you choose to be/do today? I started my gardening project!!

thank you

Congrats @chmoen !!

"Bees navigate by the sun. It turns out that they read clues to the hidden sun’s position in polarised light ".

"Bees’ eyes can see the orientation of polarised light. Because sunlight passing through the atmosphere takes on a characteristic polarisation pattern that reveals the location of the sun, it has long been suspected that bees use their eyes’ special photoreceptors to navigate when the sun is masked by cloud".

Thank you

Congratulations @chmoen I think @howyf2 said it all about bee navigation. Polarized light - who knew?

Thank you

Congratulations, Christian! They use their antennae to navigate through the clouds

congrats to today's winner antennae

they use a pattern of light in the sky invisible to humans (polarised light)

these are the best opportunities :D good luck for everybody