There are times when we have to make some tough decisions... There is a time when we can't prolong the "status-quo" until "something happens" and solve all the issues that we have... Well, you probably are aware that things are very rarely "just happen", so let's talk about the hard-way...
In the video, I have used a metaphor about the garbage trucks, so it is not a story about cleaning the world, or something similar... Just for a notice... lol...
It is more a story about certain moments in life (or business) when we got an option to choose between the two roads with which we can go... Usually, either of those roads will "hurt" someone... It can be you, it can be someone else, or it can be your business... It all depends on YOUR choice...
I don't want to go deeper into the topic, as I think that you will get the point when you watch the video... I would like to hear your comments on this topic... Maybe you had some similar experience like me, or you have a similar view?
Thank you for your valuable time,
Music in video:
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
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▶️ 3Speak
Cleaning out the metaphorical Closet is a must if we want to move forwards, hanging onto stuff will only keep us stagnated
It sounds like COVID inspired you to be regularaly walking again.
I hate people for their disregard for the environment. We have a campaign here that gets advertised called Tosser , Those that toss trash will always toss trash because thet is what they are
You have so many parallels, I moved to the City 3 years ago from having lived in te country, and now I am faced with sitting in my chair not knowing what to do with myself, I know what I want to do, just in limbo at the moment.
We call thse people Brown Nosers, lol. It is good that you have moved your family to a place that possibly respects its environemnet and people.
We create our own condition by the decisions that we make. ultimately it is about our own moral and ethical viewpoints, where we place our values and how we treat other people.
The saying, Treat Others as you would have them treat you.
Community always has those that want to have power and direct people to their way of thinjing. in situations like this we must reflect on our own energy and maintain.
Either way, people will lean one way or the other and difference will always see itself as the way to be.
I believe that ultimately it is between ourseleves and ourselves. what we know is right for ourselves is the mainstay of what we should be doing. If we do the 'right' things and say the 'right' things then we lead by example.
Like attracts like.
Those that will benefit the most are those that astay on course, others will see that and follow by example. Not that we want followers because what we want is free thinkers, however the Free thinkers will pisck up on the right energy while the sheep will always follow blindly the loudest boice.
There is a truth in that... I did start with my walking routine with @pixiepost's #2020vision challenge, and maybe a bit earlier... Actually, I have just checked my Acfitit reports... I started in mid-December... but, yes... I do appreciate more my #freedom after the end of the lockdown... And I will not allow myself to be locked again... Even if I have to go for walks in the middle of the nights... as I think that freedom has no price...
I have noticed that you have "too much" time, as you are creating a LOT... :) Don't get me wrong, as the content is great... but I do feel that you would rather be somewhere in nature... :)
Agree... We need thinkers more than ever... it goes in cycles... if we check history books we will see how "thinkers" are coming in cycles... and it can be very easy to explain that... and you already did that in this comment...
Thanks for an awesome comment and great food for brain :)
Yes, I am killing time at the moment, my partner needs to complete something before we can move and I am not wanting to go Job Hunting in the city again, I would rather be up north in ourr country town hime, so twiddle away
Great video and metaphor i have experienced this many times depending on the situation we have to take a long good look is it us taking garbage with us or is it that the situation we are in is garbage that means we have to move on and get out.
I have experienced both sometimes we carry garbage with us and sometimes it is thrown at us.
If it is our own garbage and we notice that can be fixed, but if it is other peoples garbage then we either stay to try and fix it from within or move on difficult choice.
Only wisdom and time will let us know if we made the right choice.
Great vlog Zoltan @ph1102
You just make me think about another perspective of my own story... lol...
Are we the garbage, or we are the garbage truckers? Are we part of the problem, or we are part of the solution? I would like to believe that we are part of the solution, but it can be a trap... So, seeking for the answers is the only way to find that out...
Thanks for the inspiring comments! Appreciate your time for watching my vlog and leaving your opinion...
Ha ha brilliant well we can certainly be both i agree, this is why i think it is so important we are constantly asking questions and working on our personal development.
Your welcome Zoltan @ph1102 i really enjoy your content bro you make me think.
I smiled when I watched this video because it aligns with the one I just did. I agree -- it is necessary for us to work on ourselves & clear out the old energy (or things) in our lives. When we hang onto what no longer serves us, the worst the situation becomes. It slows us down and we become stagnant in our life path. When we are in that energy, we cannot bring value to ourselves or to anyone around us.
My path has taken many twists & turns & have always grown stronger from it. It's really a choice we make - allow it to drag us down or make us stronger. :) When we continue to allow ourselves to change & evolve for the better, there are no limits!
I am proud of your growth - glad you are taking walks that give you solitude & strength (not to mention, allow you to make awesome vlogs!) for your body & mind. It is amazing to see you transform on camera & I feel I have been through the same.
There's a lot more in store in our paths, but first, it's time to clear out the "garbage" & be true to ourselves! :) 💖
Huh... I would suggest you do the post about these couple of sentences as a topic... there is a lot to say about that...
It is all about leaving the old energy behind as it can be on "low battery" mode and we are losing time checking if it will die every second... and it can die every second... and checking the pulse constantly, we are rushing its' death... All that is exhausting and pure waste of time... and as you said, not just time, but the value that we can create in that time... Value is dropping as the source is polluted, and there is just one way out...
ANd it is to move forward and turn the new page... When new energy comes in, it multiplies and growing... in the totally opposite direction than the dying old one...
Thanks for your kind words and for all your support! Appreciate it!