Cleaning out the metaphorical Closet is a must if we want to move forwards, hanging onto stuff will only keep us stagnated
It sounds like COVID inspired you to be regularaly walking again.
I hate people for their disregard for the environment. We have a campaign here that gets advertised called Tosser , Those that toss trash will always toss trash because thet is what they are
You have so many parallels, I moved to the City 3 years ago from having lived in te country, and now I am faced with sitting in my chair not knowing what to do with myself, I know what I want to do, just in limbo at the moment.
We call thse people Brown Nosers, lol. It is good that you have moved your family to a place that possibly respects its environemnet and people.
We create our own condition by the decisions that we make. ultimately it is about our own moral and ethical viewpoints, where we place our values and how we treat other people.
The saying, Treat Others as you would have them treat you.
Community always has those that want to have power and direct people to their way of thinjing. in situations like this we must reflect on our own energy and maintain.
Either way, people will lean one way or the other and difference will always see itself as the way to be.
I believe that ultimately it is between ourseleves and ourselves. what we know is right for ourselves is the mainstay of what we should be doing. If we do the 'right' things and say the 'right' things then we lead by example.
Like attracts like.
Those that will benefit the most are those that astay on course, others will see that and follow by example. Not that we want followers because what we want is free thinkers, however the Free thinkers will pisck up on the right energy while the sheep will always follow blindly the loudest boice.
There is a truth in that... I did start with my walking routine with @pixiepost's #2020vision challenge, and maybe a bit earlier... Actually, I have just checked my Acfitit reports... I started in mid-December... but, yes... I do appreciate more my #freedom after the end of the lockdown... And I will not allow myself to be locked again... Even if I have to go for walks in the middle of the nights... as I think that freedom has no price...
I have noticed that you have "too much" time, as you are creating a LOT... :) Don't get me wrong, as the content is great... but I do feel that you would rather be somewhere in nature... :)
Agree... We need thinkers more than ever... it goes in cycles... if we check history books we will see how "thinkers" are coming in cycles... and it can be very easy to explain that... and you already did that in this comment...
Thanks for an awesome comment and great food for brain :)
Yes, I am killing time at the moment, my partner needs to complete something before we can move and I am not wanting to go Job Hunting in the city again, I would rather be up north in ourr country town hime, so twiddle away