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RE: Where will the etiquette of cross posting end up?

in Photography5 years ago (edited)

Certainly I think if it was possible to post to up to five hashtags at once (and still is, even if you can no longer easily search hashtags) it should be possible to crosspost to a limited number of communities and your own blog at the time of posting.

I'm also interested to see what will happen to resteeming posts - at the moment you can only resteem to your own blog, which means only your followers will see it. If an author can crosspost and resteem, should curators also be able to resteem posts to a community or multiple communities so it can be seen by their subscribers?

I think both are fine so long as the original post isn't duplicated for rewards purposes and the community moderators have explicitly allowed crossposting/resteeming if such functionality should become available.

Join the LandscapePhotos community!


Lets see where it goes ! Seem the HF .22.2 wars will take over any development in the short term ;-)

Definitely interested to see where it goes. One thing that occurred to me was that if everyone I followed started posting to communities instead of their blogs, my friends feed would be empty! they definitely need to make some changes.

EDIT: I might be mistaken about that - I'm seeing posts in my friends feed that have been posted to a community and possibly not resteemed, interesting!

You still see the community posts of your friends in your feeds I think just not on their blog.

Yeah after a few days I see that now