Hi @hlezama,
It is very interesting to read your post and I can understand your feeling of frustration. I have the strong feeling that instead of the situation becoming better in your country, the whole world will get to a similar situation because of the uncertain times that we are living in.
This week my country has forced every shop that is not selling food or medicine to close. So I'm without income as is my wife. My two kids are at home because schools are closed. There is fear around because whenever you go out of the house you are scared to get this blody virus and to infect your family. So we just try to stay at home and we try to be positive. My wife is an english teacher and she started to give courses online to people who are equally confined at home. I concentrate and teaching my kids who have to continue to learn.
What I want to say is that this uncertainty leaves a big burden on any of us at the moment but it also gives new opportunities. Like steem jumped to 0.3 usd today because of the coming hard fork.
Let's try to stay positive and try to influence the things that we can influence. I wish you all the best
Best regards,
Thanks, Achim
We spend our whole life trying to get the big picture only to realize that the big picture is way too overwhelming and out of our control. We'll go with the small picture. Fortunatelly, we still have electricity and internet. If that fails then we'll have less working options