With winters approach where I live, a warm puppy means a lot. There are a couple of things to think about when posting. When viewing on PeakD front end your post will not show up on your blog page if you do not re-blog it, this is an option so people can have a personal page of just their post and a blogging page where they have their post, (if wanted on the blog page), and post of others that they re-blog.
So what effect does that have and why is it important? When a person clicks on your name to visit your page they land on the blog page. I've gotten used to clicking on the post page when I visit a persons blog from a comment they made, just to see what they have of a social nature. (some of the Bloggers do on occasion make just fun post that are not a part of their blog).
It is difficult at the beginning to catch all the ins and outs, and all the different ways and means to play on Hive, all your post will show when people follow you and you are part of their feed, so the only time someone may miss a post of yours is if they only look at your blog page.
Thanks @bashadow. I get it now. I reblogged already. Have a great day!
You too.