Well we all have Egos but it's just a matter of controlling them in a way. Just Ego makes the world a bad place, though a little bit of Ego is necessary.
Most of the so called Alphas are Ego driven to a point that makes me feel pity for them, it is just that we live in a world where this kind of Ego is rewarded and many thrive to reach it as well. In their world I'm a poor individual and yah I am poor, money wise. It's a fact, I admit it...I AM POOR lol.
It might change when I spread the richness of being me 😂 .
What is Dale Carnegie training?
Well, it's an interesting mgt group training thing-y, where it's basically high school speech class with self improvement. I guess Charles Manson was a big fan of it, so....yeah, it's legit??
Yeah money sucks, doesn't it? I tell myself all the time, I don't need it....but I'm not going to lie, if I could be independently wealthy and not have to work any more, life would be so much grander. That's just a grass is greener approach though, I think. I think it is, anyway, right?
We all need it to live and yah the grass is always greener on the other side. We all could live better if it wasn't for the greed of a few.