This post is the entry to the contest Earth Day Celebration Challenge; Show Us The Ways You Care | 25 HIVE prize and 100HP Delegation For a Month!.
Answering question 2. Do you have a message to tell the world about the environmental impact that Mother Earth is experiencing?
My message is just simple - veganism and sustainability.
Earth day is celebrated once a year But celebrating once a year and worrying about this earth will not do anything. We, humans, have crossed all limits, we cannot test the endurance of the earth anymore.
Nature has its own balancing power and nature has always been responding to our cruelty towards mother earth with catastrophic destruction and this time also nature is giving its answer through COVID but maybe we are not ready to take it seriously yet.
Now the time has come, that we can not afford to linger on our efforts to protect the environment, and reverse the damage that we already have done to mother earth.
The solution in front of us is to bring a drastic change in our lifestyle which is causing destruction to the environment day by day. In my opinion vegan and sustainable lifestyle is the only solution. I have various strong arguments in favour of this lifestyle.
What is Veganism or Vegan lifestyle?
Veganism or vegan lifestyle is just about abstaining from any animal products and service but the question immediately comes to our mind that how it could be helpful to save mother earth?
The answer is very simple, whatever animal products we consume comes from the animal agriculture industry or from killing the wild animals. From various research, it has already been proved that animal raised for dairy and meat in the animal agriculture industry are the main source of greenhouse gasses emissions and polluting freshwater bodies and our oceans. How livestock farming affects the environment
Killing wild animals and fishing for our greed and food is also unbalancing the wildlife and nature and depleting our oceans. Ultimately by unbalancing nature we are destroying the mother earth. To know more about how the multi-billion-dollar fishing industry depleting our oceans everybody must watch the latest documentary on Netflix.
Here is the official trailer of Seaspiracy, available on youtube.
What is a Sustainable lifestyle?
A sustainable lifestyle is about minimizing the use of resources available on the earth. The unlimited indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources available on Earth is not only destroying the environment but has also emerged as a major threat to our existence.
Our every action consume some resources so it is not possible to stop using the resources but it can be minimized by drastically change in our lifestyle. A minimalist and vegan lifestyle is also a part of a sustainable lifestyle.
There is a say that
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
In very simple words, this earth is being suppressed under the burden of our consumerism. Nowadays everything in the market comes in attractive packaging and these single-use packagings consume a lot of natural resources like petroleum products. Not only packagings but the product we buy also consumes many natural resources in the manufacturing process.
Due to this consumerism, today our earth and oceans are littered with plastic and other junk and we are unable to understand how to get rid of them. It is affecting our climate and environment badly.
If we buy anything from the market without thinking and understanding and without need, our mother earth moans. It is clearly visible that the only answer to this consumerism is to overcome your needs and greed, that is, minimalist life which leads us towards sustainability.
Veganism also leads us to sustainability as not consuming animal products save a lot of freshwater, grains and can prevent deforestation. Both things help us to save our mother earth.
Don't you know how to live a sustainable life, then this video can help you to kickstart your sustainable lifestyle -
I invite @xyzashu to participate in the contest.

Happy Earth Day!
One of the things you mention in your post is consumerism. This is a word that I have been using to try and help people understand what is wrong with the society I live in for years! As an American born in 1977, it's all I have ever seen in the mainstream culture. Studying history really makes me think that consumerism is one of the main negative effects that came out of WWII and the space races, because everything became about convenience when the shift to both parents working out of the home happened, and the "powers that be" saw the profits to be made from this new framework in our culture. That's actually one of the side effects of the global pandemic that I have greatly appreciated, is seeing that folks have had to slow down a little bit and not just go, go, go all the time. Simple things like being able to bake bread at home, or have a little garden, or spend time with your immediate family for more than just a few hours a week, have given people the opportunity to re-think their priorities. From the time we are young children they have taught us to act as a hamster in a cage ~ run on the little wheel and eat, all day every day. Yet that is so far from nature and what we need as living organisms it has created a huge deficit in mental and emotional health, and now we are plagued with unhappy, unbalanced, and desperate people.
Thanks for the thought-provoking post!
Glad you like the post. Thanks for dropping by!
Happy Earth day!
Loved this post and well done for being the first to enter! Conscious eating and consumption could go a long way to helping the earth. Sadly it always seems like money is the driver of our society.. if we could look at economies differently, that would change things.
I am too scared to watch Seaspiracy.. it might depress me too much!
Yes, consumerism is destroying our mother earth. Have you watched Cowspiracy? It is an eye-opener for all of us. I also have not seen Seaspiracy as I don't have access to Netflix.
Thanks for dropping by!
Lovely post and congratulations for being the first entry to the challenge.
I agree that the consumerist lifestyle needs to change. Unfortunately, for Now, money is a driving factor for so many. It would be lovely to see a world where resource based economies can thrive. Living with less and being grateful for all that earth provides.
I really enjoyed this post and thank you for your contribution. 🙏🌏
Glad you like the post. Thanks for visiting and encouragement.
hi @chetanpadliya, congratulations for such an interesting post, I know nothing about the lifestyle of a vegan person, as I am not a vegan, and to be honest I don't think I can live like that, but I could try, I take care of mother earth in a different way, like planting, recycling and giving another kind of use to non-organic materials, I try not to use vehicles that pollute mother earth. thank you for helping to take care of mother earth
Going vegan is very easy and anyone can adopt it. If we are really concern about our mother earth and keep consuming animal products then it will never work.
Thanks for visiting the blog.
I really like your article, even though I don't agree with the statement that veganism ''is the only solution'' to save mother earth.But I understand your argument and respect it very much. It's just that in my 30s I've learned that to sustain life there has to be a balance between what we should be doing and what we are doing. A balance in nutrition, in this case. What would happen if everyone is vegan? That kind of question needs to be asked and we need to look at the studies done throughout history on why everyone should NOT or can NOT be vegan and ask ourselves what harm or benefit this brings to our planet. We must work more from the small, from home, little by little doing good to the planet we can reverse the damage in the long term. It is a question of studies, trial/error, learning, basic practices that any tribe performs.
I enjoyed your post and thank you for participating in the challenge, it's a pleasure. :D
You do not agree with the statement that veganism ''is the only solution'', it's okay but if we analyze, it,is the simplest solution.
This world will be more beautiful and compassionate. As far as you raise the concern of nutrition, a balanced plant-based diet is far healthy and nutritious than any non-vegan diet. I think it's time to unlearn what we have been taught regarding our eating habits.
Thanks for dropping by!
Earth provides everything to satisfy every man but not every man's greed. That statement caught my attention.
Wonderful one.
Thanks for dropping by!