I really like your article, even though I don't agree with the statement that veganism ''is the only solution'' to save mother earth.But I understand your argument and respect it very much. It's just that in my 30s I've learned that to sustain life there has to be a balance between what we should be doing and what we are doing. A balance in nutrition, in this case. What would happen if everyone is vegan? That kind of question needs to be asked and we need to look at the studies done throughout history on why everyone should NOT or can NOT be vegan and ask ourselves what harm or benefit this brings to our planet. We must work more from the small, from home, little by little doing good to the planet we can reverse the damage in the long term. It is a question of studies, trial/error, learning, basic practices that any tribe performs.
I enjoyed your post and thank you for participating in the challenge, it's a pleasure. :D
You do not agree with the statement that veganism ''is the only solution'', it's okay but if we analyze, it,is the simplest solution.
This world will be more beautiful and compassionate. As far as you raise the concern of nutrition, a balanced plant-based diet is far healthy and nutritious than any non-vegan diet. I think it's time to unlearn what we have been taught regarding our eating habits.
Thanks for dropping by!