A Trip to the Recycler

A Trip to the Recycler


Everyone loves to recycle

Makes you feel good that you're doing a good thing to save the planet and all that. But what crazy person would go to buy something from the recycling depot? Me. That's who haha. I need some bottles for my Noni juice.

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One of the two recycling depots hidden away near my house in Phuket town. There is no official recycling here but people set aside the recyclable items and recyclers come to take them to sell at the depot. The recyclers tend to be poor and many of them are quite old. With the downturn in the economy recently the number has increased quite a bit.

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Those are lots of bottles but not exactly what I'm looking for.

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Recycling oil. Not sure what they do with it... maybe run diesel engines?

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Lots of electronic pieces.

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Some local people arriving in a saleng (sidecar) which is Phuket is a very popular form of transport for the poorer people. Its amazing how many people they can fit in them. Not as many as the trailers in Cambodia but still not bad haha.

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Ah yes this mountain of boxes of bottles is exactly what I'm looking for... Just need to find a person now. Thailand is quite famous for having businesses with no people around. Theft is actually very rare here... Knock on wood haha.

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After finding the nice Thai lady in charge here I've got a few whiskey bottles which will suit my purposes fine.

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This is my mode of transport for such types of trips to the market and so on. I have a few bicycles but this one is best for shopping because no need to find a place to lean and lock it. Very self sustainable bicycle with a lock on the rear tire. Oh and the Thai absolutely love this bike. Reminds them of the past when this is what they rode around... Many of them get a far away look in their eyes when they talk about this bike :) More about this bike and what I'll do with these bottles in later posts!

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

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 4 years ago  

You can score some amazing finds at places like this. Keep us posted on your noni biz and cycling adventures. Thanks for sharing.

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Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Thanks Justin. Always cycling around I am you know hehe. The noni biz is going in spurts but regardless I've always some for myself and any friends to drink as well. You have some there still?

Great post Chris!! You remind me miss to make noni juice for sell in Cambodia, not much money but happy job.

Thanks SreyPov! Yes I still make noni juice. Also not much sold but still good fun :)

The cycling ride important for pay trip and make feel better.

Every time! Cycling always makes me feel happy. Thanks for your comment.

Yes brother.