Every day is Earth Day


Every day is Earth Day

Greeting to the HIVE family. Hope all is well. Here's my post concerning Earth Day. For me every day is Earth Day. There are different ways to go about "saving" the Earth. I write "saving" because I find it quite humorous that humans think that we can "save" the Earth. The Earth will go on with or without us. We are but a parasite on the Earth that does its best to destroy its own environment. Not the brightest parasite are we? Hahah

So what can we do to try to make our environment better?

As humans since the invention of the combustible engine we've been developing technology without understanding the consequences of such inventions. Nuclear energy is one. Great actually for production of energy. Horrible in that we've no idea what to do with the waste which is incredibly dangerous not to mention that we humans turned a great invention into a destructive force that has been used to change the course of history. Oh but I do digress. Back to the point.

Forget about the bomb and do something positive for the environment. Here is what I do and have been doing for around 30 years now.

  1. Ride a bicycle - I don't need a car because I've developed my lifestyle to not need one. Bicycles produce zero waste. I do have a 100cc motorbike I use on a rare occasion which has incredible gas mileage.

  2. Just say no to plastic/styrofoam consumption - Recycling is great. Glass and metal can be reused. Plastic and styrofoam not as much. I just say no to them as much as I can which is almost all the time. It's not easy but who said the easy way is the best way?

  3. Say no to A/C - I live in a hot climate and I don't have air conditioning nor do I feel the need for it. A fan works just fine. As a matter of fact I really don't like A/C. Leaves me with a sore throat and dry skin if I sleep in it normally,

  4. Think of creative ways to reuse waste. Whenever I do end up with some plastic or styrofoam I enjoy reusing them however I can. Coming up with ideas is easy and can be a lot of fun and makes you feel good.

  5. Spread the love - No one likes to be preached to. I just live my life the way I do and can only hope that other people could be influenced by it in a positive way. Who knows? Maybe they think their way is better? My guess is most people don't really consider the impact of their lifestyle on the planet and ultimately on others and the future generations.

  6. Eat veggie - However you do it is your choice. I'm vegetarian and have been for 30 plus years. These days Bill Gates is using veggie burgers to control the world or something like that. I don't concern myself with such things. Eat local and think global.

  7. Eat what is local and in season. You really can't beat nature. Seasons happen and produce is produced at different times. It's cheaper and healthier to be in balance with nature and eat what is in season and is local. I'm always a bit miffed if people visit me and want to eat apples in Thailand. Come on! So many great local fruits and you want apples!

  8. Say no to consumption - I really try not to buy things that I absolutely don't need. I try to use things right to the end of their lifespan including clothes and shoes. As well I like to buy second hand clothes as they are cheaper and its also a form of recycling.

  9. Grow an organic garden - This is probably the simplest way to help the Earth and yourself. Grow your own food. Makes you feel great and you know exactly what you are eating.

  10. Take many small steps rather than a huge leap. I found that changing your lifestyle gradually is more likely to last compared to a drastic jump. Especially when you discuss diet. You body needs time to adapt to drastic change.

  11. Teach the youth - Kids are the future. Literally. I used to teach 9 year olds at an international school. Rather than telling them what to do I just gave them information and let them decide on their own. Kids have a great outlook on life and are full of initiative if given a bit of direction.

Life is always changing

So that's enough rambling about my lifestyle and now I'll amuse you with my ideas about global warming. One thing I've learned in life is that life is always changing. Nothing ever stays the same. Including the Earth. Currently we are going away from the Ice Age it seems and headed for a warmer time. Will we all end up scorched to death? Unlikely. Have we as humans sped up the process by inventing things without understanding the consequences? I would say yes. Do we have the power to stop the Earth getting warmer? I would say no. But we can slow down the process perhaps. Let's remember that the Earth is huge and we are but a small parasite clinging to life in an unstable environment that we seem to be trying to destroy. So perhaps rather than trying to save the Earth we should be trying to save ourselves from self extinction. Nuclear bombs are much more likely to destroy the human race than global warming but its absolutely a great idea to live a sustainable lifestyle and lessen our impact on the Earth.


Thanks for reading!

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You have some wonderful tips in here about how we can have a smaller impact on the earth. I do not see us as parasites myself, but there is a lot we need to change that is for sure. Thank you for your great response xx
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Thanks for your comment! Yes perhaps parasites is a bit of a harsh term haha. I wonder how the Earth sees us humans though... I also have confidence that we'll sort out our technological problems.

I agree every day is Earth Day but it is good to celebrate each year with a special day to honor those who are doing whatever they can.

You raise some good points about nuclear waste. There are so many cleaner options that don't involve catastrophe if they break.
Eating seasonal produce and shopping locally is also more beneficial to our health and well as reducing the impact on the planet with air miles or shipping.

I agree with you that children will be the ones to come up with great solutions. I guess the path to living more in connection with our earth will be clearer with each generation to come.

Thank you for your lovely contribution to the Earth Day Challenge.

Natural Medicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
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Thanks so much for your lovely comments! Oh I agree that its really nice to have Earth Day to celebrate and raise awareness especially with kids...

 4 years ago  

That is a pretty straightforward, simple, and effective way to approach the situation. I ride a bike too, although not nearly as much as you, and I am always trying to convince my American friends all a household needs is a few bicycles and a 100cc motorcycle for family transport. If we can get to the USA, I'm curious how we'll get around as a family. I think I'll get a sidecar for my Vespa so we can ride three-deep, then buy an old Vespa Primavera, then we'll have whole family transport.


@NaturalMedicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
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Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Yeah a sidecar would be boss. You might have to grow a handlebar mustache for that scene haha