Greetings to all my friends who make up this wonderful community!
Today I am with you again and I bring you a recipe for a very nutritious natural juice, rich in vitamins and minerals. I particularly call it 4 in 1 What a delight!

This wonderful juice is very good for various parts of the body, especially the skin, excellent against anemia, increases hemoglobin, improves circulation and lowers blood pressure. It should be noted that the natural will always be beneficial for our body. As health personnel I highly recommend it to raise the defenses in our immune system.
This tasty drink besides being nutritious is very popular in my country Venezuela.

Beetroot is a low-fat vegetable, rich in fiber, and high in B vitamins, but also contains vitamins A and C. It also contains carotenoids and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and copper. It also contains carotenoids and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and copper.
Drinking a glass of beet juice a day provides vitamin, fiber and mineral content. One glass contains: Potassium: essential for nerve health, muscle function and a healthy heart. Manganese: which is essential for bones, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
La Zanahoria una verdura histórica con múltiples propiedades para la salud. Entre las hortalizas, pertenece al grupo de las verduras.Carrot is a historical vegetable with multiple health properties. Among the vegetables, it belongs to the vegetable group..NOTA DE INTERÉS / NOTE OF INTEREST
Por su elevado contenido en agua son diuréticas y ayudan a la desintegración de los cálculos renales. Ricas en potasio y fósforo, las zanahorias son un remedio para mentes cansadas y nervios desatados. Los betacarotenos son unos poderosos protectores que evitan el envejecimiento prematuro.Carrots are diuretic because of their high water content and help to disintegrate kidney stones. Rich in potassium and phosphorus, carrots are a remedy for tired minds and frayed nerves. Beta-carotene is a powerful protector that prevents premature aging.
La naranja es la fruta cítrica del naranjo (Citrus aurantium), con dos subespecies principales: el naranjo dulce (subespecie Sinensis) y agrio (subespecie Amara). Se la denomina cítrica por su contenido en ácido cítrico, que le confiere el sabor amargo.Tiene sabor dulce o ligeramente agrio, dependiendo de la variedad.Orange is the citrus fruit of the orange tree (Citrus aurantium), with two main subspecies: sweet orange (subspecies Sinensis) and sour orange (subspecies Amara). It is called citrus because of its citric acid content, which gives it its bitter taste. It has a sweet or slightly sour taste, depending on the variety.NOTA DE INTERÉS /NOTE OF INTEREST
La naranja es un poderoso antioxidante por la gran cantidad de Vitamina C que contiene, por ello favorece la cicatrización, y refuerza es sistema inmunológico de organismo. También contiene calcio, magnesio, beta caroteno, ácido fólico, fósforo, potasio, cobre, zinc, ácidos málico, oxálico, tartárico y cítrico.Orange is a powerful antioxidant due to the large amount of Vitamin C it contains, thus promotes healing, and strengthens the body's immune system. It also contains calcium, magnesium, beta carotene, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, malic, oxalic, tartaric and citric acids.
El limón es una fruta cítrica el cual es un auténtico tesoro nutricional y muy beneficioso para nuestra salud. Es una fruta curativa por excelencia, porque nos aporta vitaminas, elimina toxinas y es un poderoso bactericida, por lo que la OMS recomienda su consumo regular.Lemon is a citrus fruit which is a real nutritional treasure and very beneficial for our health. It is a healing fruit par excellence, because it provides vitamins, eliminates toxins and is a powerful bactericide, so the OMS recommends its regular consumption.NOTA DE INTERÉS / NOTE OF INTEREST
Beber agua con limón
o Hidratar nuestro organismo.
o Ayudar a la pérdida de peso.
o Conseguir un efecto diurético.
o Limpiar la piel.
o Proporcionar energía y mejora el estado de ánimo.
o Refrescar el aliento.
o Combatir el estreñimiento.
o Reducir las infecciones urinarias.Drinking water with lemon
o Hydrate our organism.
o Helping weight loss.
o Achieve a diuretic effect.
o Cleanse the skin.
o Provide energy and improve the mood.
o Freshen breath.
o Combat constipation.
o Reduce urinary tract infections.
Es importante resaltar que esta bebida altamente nutricional sin duda alguna nos ayuda a subir nuestras defensas en nuestro organismo. Y ya que me acompañaron a leer sobre lo beneficiosos que son sus ingredientes, vamos a la preparación. It is important to highlight that this highly nutritional drink undoubtedly helps us to raise our body's defenses. And since you joined me to read about how beneficial its ingredients are, let's get to the preparation.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
o (3) Naranjas. (300 ml de jugo)
o (1) limón.
o (1) remolacha.
o (1) zanahoria
o Azucar al gusto.
o Hielo.o (3) Oranges. (300 ml of juice)
o (1) lemon.
o (1) beet.
o (1) carrot
o Sugar to taste.
o Ice.
Preparacion / Preparation
Paso 1 / Step 1
Agarramos la zanahoria y la remolacha, pelamos y lavamos muy bien. Seguido a esto en particular me gusta cortar los pedazos de forma uniforme.Carrot and beet, peel and wash very well. Followed by this particular I like to cut the pieces evenly.
Paso 2 / Step 2
Con un exprimidor de jugo eléctrico o manual exprimimos las 3 naranjas y el limón.With an electric or manual juicer, squeeze the 3 oranges and the lemon.
Paso 3 / Step 3
Vertimos en la licuadora el jugo de naranja y limón (300 ml de jugo) agregamos también los trozos de remolacha y zanahoria anteriormente picados, colocamos azúcar al gusto y hielo batimos y finalmente tendremos listo nuestro nutritivo jugo.Pour the orange and lemon juice (300 ml of juice) into the blender, add the previously chopped beet and carrot pieces, add sugar to taste and ice, blend and finally our nutritious juice is ready.
Servimos en un vaso y a disfrutarlo! Serve in a glass and enjoy!
Lo natural siempre sera beneficioso. ¡ Gracias por leerme! / Natural will always be beneficial, thanks for reading!
Las fotografías son de mi autoría tomadas con mi celular Samsung Galaxy A50. Pictures are of my authorship taken with my cell phone Samsung Galaxy A50. La traducción fue realizada en traductor Deelp.
The translation was performed in Deelp translator. Los separadores son creados por mi en powerpoint. The separators are created by me in powerpoint. Contenido Original, creado y analizado por mi.
Original content, created and analyzed by me. (@danaeliz29) Las definiciones de los ingredientes son recopiladas desde la internet y analizadas por mi. The definitions of the ingredients are compiled from the internet and analyzed by me. Aqui los link / Here are the links El collage de fotos lo realice en la aplicación fotojet. The photo collage was made in the fotojet application.
Gracias por su apoyo. :)
Appreciated dear keep it up
Thank you for reading my post. Natural will always be beneficial.
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Hey your photos here and the recipe is great, but do please source where you got the nutrition information from? River recently posted about this both on her personal blog and here:
We want to make sure that people are clear where their information comes from in the community. Your posts are more likely to get curated too when you do this!
Thank you for reading my posts and viewing my photos. The photos are taken with my Samsung Galaxy A50 cell phone in my kitchen. The content is original content analyzed by me, the definitions of some ingredients are compiled from the internet but totally analyzed by me. It is totally original content and belongs to me.
Yeah, the "definitions of ingredients" part is what I'm talking about. I didn't think that you stole the content of your post, just that the nutrition information didn't come out of your head, you know? It's preferred if when you list that you just note where you got the data. So like [Orange has list of vitamins] (website) ...only don't put a space in between the )[. That's all. It's something that the community is trying to be sure everyone does since it's health info.
Ok thanks for the information, I will take it into account in my next post, that's why I emphasized that the definition of the ingredients is taken from the internet and compiled and analyzed by me. But thank you very much for reading and giving me the tips. I have attached the links to the post. Thank you :)