Daily Runes - Dark Times // Runas Diarias - Tiempos Oscuros

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

The calm within the Storm

We all feel it, don't we? The weight, the pain of this period. All of us hear the news of loved ones and acquaintances who have lost someone or have died themselves recently. Even if we don't feel the need to cry ourselves, even if we're as fortunate as to be relatively far from the sorrow, it's impossible to ignore the assault of circumstances. It's, in fact, imperious to recognize the gravity of the situation in order to face it and, in case it's necessary, to offer our support to those who are in much more delicate stages than us.

"After the storm comes the calm," this phrase is doubtlessly familiar to all of us. However, it doesn't apply very well right now. We can't simply stand in our corner waiting for the chaos to subside. Yesterday I talked about Empathy and how important it is to embrace the Shadow of the world, bring it back to the Fire; that's what's happening to us now, we're being compelled, as members of a species and inhabitants of this planet, to acknowledge the disgrace of others, the noise that surrounds us, in order to return to the roots of the Tribe and once again utter the promises of our ancestors. We can't wait for the Storm to pass, we have to foster Calm amidst the roars and hurricanes.

It's not about the pandemic, which is merely one element among many; it's about the entire process, the general collapse of the world that we knew, that world that's already dying and we must learn to let go, urgently, so as to take advantage of the opportunities of the new world that's emerging now. Let's reconcile the paradox of remaining steadfast while flowing through the changes. These aren't easy times for anyone and, precisely because of that, it's vital to remember that we're not alone, that the experiences of each of us may be different in tone and intensity, but that all of us are on this ship together and we must sail it to port come hell or high water.

La calma dentro de la Tormenta

Todos lo sentimos ¿No es así? El peso, el dolor de este período. A todos nos llegan ya noticias de personas cercanas o conocidos que han perdido a alguien o fallecido recientemente. Así nosotros mismos no sintamos ganas de llorar, así seamos tan afortunados como para estar relativamente lejos de la pena, es imposible ya ignorar el golpe de las circunstancias. Es, de hecho, imperioso reconocer la gravedad de la situación para poder enfrentarla y, en caso de ser necesario, ofrecer nuestro apoyo a quienes se encuentren en estados más delicados que nosotros.

"Después de la tormenta llega la calma", a todos sin duda nos es familiar esa frase. Sin embargo, no aplica muy bien a estos momentos. No podemos simplemente quedarnos en nuestra esquina esperando a que pase el caos. Ayer hablaba de la Empatía, de lo importante que es abrazar la Sombra del mundo, traerla de nuevo al Fuego; eso es lo que nos ocurre ahora, nos vemos compelidos, como miembros de una especie y habitantes de este planeta, a reconocer la desgracia de otros, el ruido que nos rodea, para retornar a la raíz de la Tribu y volver a pronunciar las promesas de nuestros ancestros. No podemos esperar a que la Tormenta pase, tenemos que formentar la Calma en medio de los fragores y huracanes.

No se trata de la pandemia, que es tan solo un elemento entre muchos; se trata del proceso entero, del colapso generalizado del mundo como lo conocíamos, ese mundo que ya está muriendo y que debemos aprender a dejar ir, urgentemente, para poder aprovechar las oportunidades del nuevo mundo que está surgiendo ya. Reconciliemos la paradoja de mantenernos firmes y a la vez fluir con los cambios. No son tiempos fáciles para nadie y, precisamente por eso, es vital recordar que no estamos solos, que las experiencias de cada uno pueden ser distintas en tono e intensidad, pero que todos estamos en este barco juntos y debemos llevarlo a puerto, llueve, truene o relampaguee.

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Night Rune: Othala

Decline of foreign fictions, deterioration of distractions. I walk through the darkness fearlessly, seeing the first lights of day.

Daylight message: Hagalaz

Destruction, collapse. Do not seek to save structures that have already given everything, let go of those who must leave. Live the process with total presence and without lamentation, what you learn today will be crucial tomorrow. Catastrophes seem unending until they end, hold on, but do not stay waiting for the lightning, your heart still beats. Abandon the ideas and perspectives that prevent you from seeing the way that is opening, all change of age demands changes in posture. Sometimes it is best to endure the gale outside willingly than to try and remain safe inside; roofs and walls do not protect the mind. The current period is already difficult, do not make it worse with complaints and visions of a sinister future. Being brave is entering the flames knowing that fire burns, ignorance and arrogance do not protect, they blind.

Runa nocturna: Othala

Declinación de ficciones ajenas, deterioro de distracciones. Camino por la oscuridad sin temor, viendo las primeras luces del día.

Mensaje diurno: Hagalaz

Destrucción, colapso. No busques salvar estructuras que ya han dado todo, deja ir a los que deben irse. Vive el proceso con total presencia y sin lamentos, lo que aprendes hoy será crucial mañana. Las catástrofes parecen interminables hasta que terminan, aguanta, pero no te quedes esperando el relámpago, tu corazón sigue latiendo. Abandona las ideas y perspectivas que te impiden ver el camino que se abre, todo cambio de era demanda cambios de postura. A veces es mejor soportar el vendaval afuera voluntariamente que intentar mantenerte a resguardo; los techos y paredes no protegen la mente. El período actual es ya difícil, no lo empeores con quejas y visiones de futuros siniestros. Ser valiente es entrar en las llamas sabiendo que el fuego quema, la ignorancia y la arrogancia no protegen, ciegan.

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This and all of my daily readings are part of my shamanic service to the community and the whole world.

Esta y todas las lecturas diarias son parte de mi servicio chamánico a la comunidad y al mundo entero.

Para servicios personales / For personal services

drrune#6424 // +584129966082

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OOh, your reading was very poetic today @drrune. The energy is very heavy at the moment and I think your post explains how I've been feeling the last couple of days.

Thank you for sharing your energy with us. It is so greatly appreciated. xx 🤗

Yes, I suspected as much, dense energy doing the rounds. It's my pleasure and honor! Thank you for the appreciation!