Our wounds are also our call for unity
The New Moon in Cancer comes later today in my country, and early tomorrow in some other places. As you can see, Algiz wasn't particularly talkative, the message is in fact pretty short and direct, so I encourage you to find a place where you can rest and meditate, because this energy isn't playing around, it's profound and difficult to work with.
In my city the situation has been escalating enormously this week. Regime security forces (thugs-in-uniform) and the criminal gangs that Chávez allowed to take control of a large swathe of the southwestern part of the city are in open armed conflict, and citizens are almost being held hostage by the violence around them. Day and night, the detonations of grenades and the volleys of gunfire have dominated the landscape, a situation that may very well extend to the entire capital and is already touching other places in the country where crime lords have absolute dominion of prisons and slums.
This is a time of transformation here in Venezuela and, since I've involved myself so deeply with this process, I've been forced to work on my spiritual and emotional stamina these last few days. Meanwhile, the rain keeps pouring as a sign of both sorrow and cleansing, the heaviness in the air is a bit less oppressive than yesterday but there's a sense of dread all around me as I write this, no doubt the last remnant of the horrible work these gangsters originally did in order to take over this nation and strip it off its wealth, or attempt to, that is, for this is a wealth that cannot be taken, it must be given, and we're not in the giving vein anymore, not with them.
Each of you have a task to fulfill within yourselves and it's quite likely that many amongst you also have to witness great abuses in their own countries with a critical eye, perhaps for the first time. Let it be known in all dimensions of space-time that I stand with you too, that your sorrow is my sorrow and thus, my joy is also your joy. All the tyrants and criminals who have sought to split us apart, to keep us confused and angry so that we couldn't recognize our intimate connection, shall inevitably fall to their knees and ask for forgiveness, finally yielding power to those who must wield it from now on. Let's feel this unity and kinship drive us onwards in every-growing togetherness, resisting any further attempts to divide us. Power be unto us! The Gold of our new selves is at hand!
In nocturnal contexts I explain to many strangers the duality of pain and pleasure, how to transmute one into the other. Some rejoice, others want my talent for themselves.
Go to the root of what ails you. Connect yourself with your homeland, listen to the whisper of its spirits and deities, call upon your ancestors and ask them for guidance. Acknowledge your scars and the footprints that you have left on your path, take ownership of your legacy. Behind every pain and every insult there is a great treasure of wisdom; enter your wounds and heal them from within. Seek a space of intimacy and solitude, we you can explore your emotions with surrender. You have shelter from the storm, you may expose yourself with trust and learn what you must learn.
Hello @drrune
100% true
I'm sorry to hear of such turmoil in your country. Luckily, you seem to have the right mindset and inner strength to not let it drive your emotions, but remain grounded by all your practices and beliefs.
Your work is interesting ;)
Have a great day!
Thank you! Yes, we've been through a lot worse before, so this time, albeit heavy, is neither unexpected nor unmanageable and the spiritual work helps enormously! By the way, just so you know, that part you quoted comes from the dream I had last night. Blessings!
Wow! You have powerful dreams 😄
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