Keeping your hands strong is part of the daily routine


Keeping your hands strong is part of the daily routine, today at the beach a day of collective practice and exercise plus a little sun.Standing firmly on your own feet takes courage and taking responsibility for your life. Not to hand your personal power over to others, but to take it back. It's a step towards creating a life worth living. 😎👍
Udržování pevné i na rukou je součástí každodenní rutiny, dnes na pláži den kolektivní praxe a cvičení plus trochu slunce.Postavit se pevně na vlastní nohy vyžaduje odvahu a převzetí odpovědnosti za svůj život. Ne abyste svou osobní moc předávali druhým, ale abyste si ji vzali zpět. Je to krok vpřed k vytvoření života, který stojí za to žít. 😎👍


The bend should be smooth, using the full length of the spine (from the coccyx to the top of the head). Then they are safe, and cause pain. 🍀👍For them, there is no pain anymore because they have enjoyed it since they were little, and as you can see, they no longer feel that pain has become part of them.
Pokrčení by mělo být plynulé, s využitím celé délky páteře (od kostrče po temeno hlavy). Pak jsou bezpečné, a způsobují bolest. 🍀👍Pro ně už žádná bolest neexistuje, protože se jim od malička líbila, a jak je vidět, už necítí, že se bolest stala jejich součástí.


Find your centre. Have inner peace even when everything is upside down. This is also the symbol of this position 🤸. For the sample button that pain no longer exists, it's only in your mind, and because your mind is power, the power is you. You can clearly see what makes this beautiful discipline.
Najděte své centrum. Mějte vnitřní klid, i když je všechno vzhůru nohama. I to je symbol této pozice 🤸. Pro vzorek tlačítko, které bolest již neexistuje, je to jen ve vaší mysli, a protože vaše mysl je moc, moc jste vy. Je jasně vidět, co dělá tuto krásnou disciplínu.


The Royal Pose - Headstand 🍀Breathing and standing in this position circulates oxygen to the brain, which improves its function, promotes concentration and memory, eliminates anxiety, restores energy, improves hair growth and has a rejuvenating effect ❤️.What each of them stand and practice, what they enjoy and delight in, I just encourage them morally. And as much as possible to make them better, that is, without straining or exhausting them.
Královská pozice - stoj na hlavě 🍀Dýcháním a stáním v této pozici se mozek prokrvuje kyslíkem, což zlepšuje jeho funkci, podporuje koncentraci a paměť, odstraňuje úzkost, obnovuje energii, zlepšuje růst vlasů a má omlazující účinek ❤️.Co je pro každého z nich stálost a praxe, v čem se jim líbí a co je těžší, to je jen morálně podporují. A co nejvíc, aby se jim dařilo lépe, to znamená bez toho, abych je mohla nebo vyčerpává.


I recommend moving in and out of the position under the supervision of an experienced tutor. 🍀. It gives me great joy to see them grow, each in their own way, and to feel that they are not alone in these moments. A mom motivated and happy for her little kids, happy Friday afternoon.
Doporučuji přecházet do pozice a z pozice pod dohledem zkušeného lektora. 🍀. Mám velkou radost, když vidím, jak rostou, každý svým způsobem, a když cítí, že v těchto chvílích nejsou sami. Maminka motivovaná a šťastná za své malé děti, šťastné páteční odpoledne.

📲 Redmi Note 8.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Welcome to Hive, looks you have some talented daughters, if that's who they are. We have a lot of yogis in the #naturalmedicine community, so you will find a lot of knowledge to pull from. Not sure I would recommend the #homesteading and #plantbased for this post though.

Also, I noticed you don't engage much, so I definitely recommend responding to comments, as well as commenting, voting, following, etc., with other Hivers. This activity will drive more engagement on your posts, and it's makes Hive a sustainable and unique community.

@NaturalMedicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
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Hello how are you, ok for sure I will do that, I will be more alert. Thank you very much for the recommendations

 4 years ago  

I love the idea of helping little ones with exercise, I have a 9 year old niece who practices gymnastics and it took her a while to achieve flexibility, but then she was an expert. I think taking her to the silver, mountain or any natural landscape, is a very healthy and beautiful idea on your part. Thank you for sharing it. Hugs. :)


Natural Medicine supports wellness of body, mind, soul and earth on HIVE.
Come say hi via Lotus Chat or drop by our community - we'd love to welcome you!

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Hello, thank you very much for your comment and they are all experts.

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This is amazing! I am trying to teach my kids to handstand, how did you manage?

Hello, and yes, I am your tutor and I help you in everything. And I also try to learn from them.