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RE: [Daily Journal] Working With Heart Is The Best Art

I am happy to see that you are going out to see things that are good for your eyes and brain. I started doing that too. Nowadays stress hit me so hard and sometimes I don't realize that I feel sad for no reason or maybe there is, so now I am trying to do activities outside work with friends even by just walking inside the mall and trying a new hobby which is art. 😊


I feel you sometimes, sad with no reason. Talk with best friends is great way to make US better again. Especially when we have same hobby or dreams :)

Yes, I do. I talk to some of my friends about this thing that's bothering me so I am happy that they are willing to listen. 😊

And having nice coffee or tea ❤️🌸

Hahaha that's right, a good talk and a good coffee.