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RE: Frustration: The Feeling I Need to Work on the Most

I've heard that other countries have troops in Venezuela. Cuba is one of the countries. Is it possible that the reason the Venezuelan troops continue to side with Maduro, is because they are under threat from the foreign troops also protecting Maduro?


That we have foreign troops here is a fact. First the cubans, then the russians and there have been reports of iranian and chinese agents. In any case, the venezuelan military had their chance way before these foreign powers got a grip of venezuela's key infrastructure and resources (oil, gold). They just got too corrupted to see anything else as an option. They were given blank checks to operate everywhere. Power and money sounds better than loyalty to the constitution, justice, sacrifice and honor.

Power and money sounds better than loyalty to the constitution, justice, sacrifice and honor.

Dragon Sickness. Even one as high as Thorin Oakenshield fell. It's real-world science, too, except for the name. Even the etymology of corrupt means something that went foul or to make something foul/to spoil something good. And there are those who are corrupt even before touching the treasure. The very thought of it...

What people do for some shinies...

So much truth in that. The beauty of Tolkien. That's a great reference. That's is actually what we have concluded after two decades of failed revolution. It was led by resented and ambitious men and women who had just been fantasizing about what they'd do when they got access to the treasure.

I know a lot of the things you're talking about...on a smaller scale ;) I mean that frustration is all around. Hard to keep focus. I know I have lost mine. Looking for it, right now.