The evil alley kitty has upped his game. Last week he bi-passed the lemons and pepper dusting to continue to use my lettuce tub as a toilet. I really need to sort that kitty litter box, but haven't had much time lately. I have since cleaned all the poop out and the seedlings seem to have become immune to the claw scraping as some have carried on growing despite the harsh conditions. I live on a lovely, communal street and our little group of around 8 immediate neighbors all share each other's plights. Offering help in many forms.
One neighbor, in particular, has been a doorstep fairy on many occasions. It all started when I had a conversation with them about permaculture principles and how I love to live on as little money as possible by finding, repurposing, and swapping stuff. They were building raised beds from old pallets when I remembered there were a few pallets in my back alley, near where the cat likes to strut his stuff. I pulled them through my house as that was the only option at the time and took them across the road. Since then, I have been gifted many items from indoor plants to pots. On Friday evening, I opened my front door to find a selection of mizuna lettuce and kale at my feet. At first, I thought it was a romantic gesture from a secret admirer as the cherry blossom petals that adorned the base of the plants added a very romantic feel indeed. Turns out that they had come from my lovely neighbor across the road too. They are a married couple so no luck on the secret admirer idea but what I did gain was beautiful and probably way more valuable than any secret admirer could muster up anyhow. This evening, I was greeted with some very large tomato plants which I have now added to the rat cage bed with the nasturtiums and my rather puny looking cherry tomato plants. The mizuna and kale have gone into the tub with the little lettuces, adding more coverage to the oh-so-tempting soil. Hopefully that EPK (evil pooping kitty) will not want mizuna leaves tickling his cat bits while he poops, although I won't hold my breath. I fully expect him to massacre the site again and fully expect cat poop mountains to replace lunch green salad at some point. In an attempt to preempt this, I have held a few plants back just in case.

There is something quite uplifting about helping others out.
I love the idea of a pay-it-forward culture, the little acts of kindness that can ripple out from the local community all the way around the world. It doesn't matter what the random act is. It could be giving a gift, writing a song, or even as simple as throwing a love bomb or two in the direction of someone who needs a little cheering up. Smile at strangers, heck smile at everyone. You never know how much that smile may mean to someone and I've totally gotten past the strange looks I get from some people who don't quite know how to react.
Isn't it sad that we have devolved in such a way that the mere act of throwing a smile or a simple "good morning" to someone makes them feel uncomfortable?
Well, I am here to break those barriers. I enjoy helping others, it makes my heart feel good and my soul at ease. It's almost as good as walking barefoot in the woods, surrounded by nature. I am super grateful to my neighbors, and as a way to PIF (pay-it-forward) I am sending lots of love and positivity out to you, dear reader of this random post on random acts of kindness. I hope that this post has inspired you in some way to go out into the streets and serenade the next person you walk past. Maybe donate some old books to that friend who loves to read? Or perhaps just share your surplus food with your neighbors or local community. And to all those already engaging in random acts of kindness; I LOVE YOU


I'm so sorry EPK is tormenting your garden, but I LOLed as you described them. 😂 Yuan uses the litter box like this:
I love that you have a sharing relationship with your neighbor! I try and build community where I can but I'm such an introvert, lol.
Haha that's one messy kitty you have there! Yes it's a little frustrating but it's partly my fault for not sorting iu5 the litter box for EPK.
I hear you about being introverted, I kinda had no choice with my neighbors they along with the lovely friends I have met in this town are drawing out my inner extrovert side. Maybe it's the age thing I dunno but I used to walk down the road avoiding eye contact with everyone when I was in my 20s and early 30s.
Hugs to you Phoenix 🤗💚
My introvert/extrovert tendencies are very odd. In general I consider myself introverted but that doesn't mean that I can't say hi to people on the street or anything like that. Put me in a position where I'm SUPPOSED to talk and I have no problems with it - doing a presentation or acting in a play, no worries. But put me with a crowd of people and tell me to make friends and it's like Wut R Werds.
When I was in medical assisting school, once we had to give a presentation and my classmates told me that was the most they had ever heard me speak. I hadn't thought I was quiet around them prior to that. XD Similarly, in high school a teacher saw me do a presentation and declared that I should be a lawyer. I guess when you put me in the spotlight, the Leo in me comes out.
Doesn't sound odd at all, in fact, it sounds like a very healthy balance between the two.
This cracked me up and I can totally relate!
I'm usually really shy until I get to know people, then they can't shut me up haha xx
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Thanks for the luv @phoenixwren 🤗😊
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HAha how delightfully.
I'm sorry romance didn't arrive on your doorstep - try opening the door every ten minutes to see if has arrived yet.
I'm with you - kindness and paying it forward is so important, and the more we do it, the more it appears in the world. x
Haha I'll try that. 😂
Yes there can never be too much love and kindness in the world. Sending lots of love your way too beautiful 😚🤗💚
He he xxx
This made me laugh and smile!
Awesome how you seem to manifest all these amazing free things. The next step is to stop manifesting cat poop or, I guess ( easier said than done ) to stop thinking of that cat entirely hahaha!
I love you too!
P.S. I think I can up my Pay it forward / random acts of kindness game. Will need to think of a way though.
Aww thank you Vincent,
Yes I am ever so lucky I guess. Although I've learned to trust the universe and manifestation is certainly something I believe in lately.
As for the cat poop, I think I just need to manifest the cat out of town. That might do the trick! Haha
Ooh yes do it! Always good to level up whenever we can.
I love you too dear friend 💚🤗
Oh and I learnt a new word: mizuna.
Had to look it up :<)
Awesome, yes I hadn't head of it until last year too. Lettuce and salad leaves used to be all the same to me. I am slowly learning there are so many different varieties. 👐💚
This is so true that a simple smile can brighten another's day, week or life. I also say hello or good morning to others when I pass so I know all about those looks. Such a lovely read on My way to work, you've brightened my day already 😃❤️