My Living Voice and Energetic Presence will Prove this: a 'certificate' is another form of external 'authority' that is 'proving' to the tyranny that I have their 'permission' to exist.
If you said those words in a court of "law" saying such words, without proof and evidence of the matter. Those corrupt magistrates would dismiss you straight away, and you'd still be left being the surety for the legal fiction which they've pinned on you, and that you have no way to detach from.
I respect the spiritual aspect of it all, in fact i know it's the way (as a Buddhist myself), but the fact remains: we are still bound by their "rules" no ifs or buts as long as we operate alongside the legal fiction, by using State Instruments and holding them.
Thanks for the interesting conversation!
I hear you, @jin-out : I would be very unlikely to end up in a court of law though, as I know my True Nature and Identity, and would never submit to 'authority' of a conventional 'law court': the most powerful Truth is in Presence, which when activated allows us to circumnavigate ALL structures and power dynamics; this is not to deny paperwork, or the importance of going backwards in order to 'correct' our 'status'.
At the same time: when we Know (Whole/ Embodied Know) our True Nature as Co-Creator who chose in Divine Union with all things to enter at the Zygote/ zinc spark/ conception - all things free up and we come into Divine Union with all things. We no longer attract the controversy of tyranny or threat, and we can work peacefully 'behind the scenes', correcting our relationship with all things - rather than (or even as well as!) correcting relationships. The point being, we create our own paperwork, once we comprehend their corporate legal fiction, and can effortlessly navigate them, finding solution through stating Truth, and rebutting un-truth/ controversy.
The paperwork absolutely has a place, but it can be a cul-de-sac - particularly for those immersing in union with the Sacred Feminine, which is a whole additional realm of What Is Real. It's more Both-And rather than Either/ Or.
Thank you too for the great, mind-opening conversation!!
I too am doing occasional paperwork ;-) and having strong success in navigating within a country and culture of oppression and extreme fear/ restrictions...
Every one of us has a unique path, and in many senses, the path cannot be shown, but others' paths can be an inspiration.
Blessings again!
You are a wonderful woman with a vibrant spirit
this podcast by Crrow777Radio interviewing Sui Generis - he talks about how we don't need to get caught up in paperwork, and can simply make one document, essentially:-) (though it's much more complex than that, as you can imagine!)... The Crrow podcasts have been incredible lately - really getting to the centre of the labyrinth and remembering that WE ARE SOURCE... It is a glorious time of mutual inspiration and freeing. I can send the full episode above, if you'd like to hear it all - if you're not a subscriber :-) Blessings!I was thinking, @jin-out about how you might enjoy very much
Hey beautiful Soul!
You blessed today? Wanted to hit you with this first...
Actually you've touched upon a very important thing. The remedy is really very simple as it aligns with the ultimate truth...and nothing is more overwhelming than the truth.
We don't need to get into all this paperwork bullcrap. We don't need to bother with them corrupt masonic courts. All we must do is forsake the unclean (that is to step away from the legal realm) and render onto Caesar what belongs to Caesar (that is all State Instruments: birth cert, passport, SSN/National Insurance, all licenses, bank accounts, everything) and so return to being a true national of the land you are born on. I personally know a person who has done this...he pays no rent, all debts nullyfied, the State can't touch him, and they are obliged to look after him.
Thanks for stopping by Clare. Congrats on your recent podcast btw, you are really a vibrant soul. It's too bad i cannot travel, i miss the road so, or else i would pay you a visit.
Watch the first 10mins if you have time. If you don't have time, please watch the first 9 mins lol.