in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)


Now underway!


This event - the Grand Jury on the covid hoax and the dark pharmaceutical agenda to (further) enslave and depopulate the world - is going to shift human consciousness, halt the tyranny, and lift us all up into a profoundly more Natural Law Aligned new world.

Following two years of meticulous investigation by the Corona Investigation Committee, extensive evidence and proof is now being presented to the public, on the extent of the plandemic and its perpetrators' evil intentions for humanity....


Share this website where the Grand Jury event is streaming and where you can download the media release, and can hear the event in several languages.

Please inform yourself on the main points around the covid hoax, so you can protect your inalienable rights, your health, and the collective freedom of all living women and men. Here is an FAQs page for easy reference.

The Questioning Covid website is also useful.



See you on the other side!




Thank you @clareartista

Vital information.

With so much "click bait" out there it's a little scary if you're unfamiliar and aren't sure who to trust. I took a chance and appreciate the link and the information. It's important to unite for our freedoms and educate ourselves as much as possible.


feels right too :-) Blessings indeed!I hear you, @sima369 - thank you for your good comment, and your positive take on this situation! Yes, absolutely; our confusion about what is Right, True and Real has been so distorted by conventional media and the pharmaceutical agenda - but I guarantee that the more one immerses oneself in the facts, and joins the dots, everything becomes rapidly clearer: this Grand Jury is the sanest take on all that's been unfolding worldwide that we can hear! The mind naturally wants to align with Truth and Health, and when it does, everything

Amen @clareartista and props to your bravery sharing such vital information (which reminds me I need to reblog it).

People's lives are being damaged to the point of no return with the lies and censorship of the truth. This month a new platform (similar to Twitter, coupled with Rumble) will launch and will have no censorship (as long as one isn't committing an actual crime of course). It's called TruthSocial.com and millions will be hopping on as soon as it launches. We are in the Time of All Time reclaiming humanities freedoms, dignity and abundance while exposing the truly corrupt to the core for all to see. No longer can they hide in the shadows. No longer will their lies be believed. Their time has come. And humanities time has come to lift their heads, speak up and reclaim all that is good for the betterment of all who chose it.

@clareartista The problem is people do not know the system they are dealing with and who owns it.

Lots of these criminal cases and investigations are being opened up and i have no doubt it has caused a positive awakening to many still asleep...but there is no remedy in the legal realm, as the owners of the system created the legal realm.

Who are these guys? It is the Vatican Crown Corporation. They created the system we are in, called Corpus Juris, the Jurisdiction of the Dead. They had created a system, via the birth certificate fraud of converting the living flesh of man/woman from Common Law jurisdiction to the admiralty-maritime jurisdiction by pinning their State copyrighted legal fiction onto us.

Once we accept this legal fiction to be us (by holding any State Instruments such as birth certificate, passport, having a bank account, drivers license, etc) we are bound by their "laws".

If you look at Blacks law dictionary for the definition of HUMAN you will be surprised. Humans have no rights in the legal realm, their realm, thats why they can do all this covid agenda 21 crap on us, AND are protected.

These Grand Juries, these court cases, will go nowhere because the courts, the magistrates, the judges, the police, solicitors, lawyer, ALL have servitude to the Vatican. The swore an oath and thats how they became part of the BAR associated.

It's really good to see these heavy duty truths being spread though, but i find Hive isn't the place. Odysee/LBRY is more the place.

I have an odysee channel where i talk about what i've just typed above. Odysee.com/@III:6 is the channel if you are interested. It is heavy duty and not for the faint of heart.

Peace to you both!

Greetings @jin-out

Great input.

The Sovereignty movement, which is the category of that which you speak upon, (as far as how I describe it at least), is also vital for the Great Awakening that is now happening globally.

There's a lot going on, including the reclaiming of our justice system with the weeding out of the corruptors within it; as well as in every good system they've infiltrated.

(People are serving the school boards during school board meetings):



From what I'm seeing, many aspects of the Sovereignty movement are being employed, as are successes in bringing back The Rule of Law and the Constitution with exposing the corrupt who obviously don't have humanities best interest at heart.

It is my opinion that every heartfelt grassroots movement exposing corrupt machinations is one to be supported, or at least encouraged, as it is through our connecting with one another we enhance the total process, and thus, the total successes.

Having platforms (like you mentioned, and like the upcoming TruthSocial.com) who don't censor is one of the key components in keeping people free and informed. When the bulk of humanity is awake we will run over the deceivers, drop their entrapping language, shun their horrendous imagery via hollywood and the music industry and we will rebuild with our sheer numbers and heartfelt intent a safe and honest world for our children.🌺

I am honoured to have met a fellow truther who knows the game. Humbled indeed!

I'm honored as well and I wish you terrific success in all of your endeavors @jin-out 👏

Yes, @sima369 !! Precisely! A great deal is being done to correct the inappropriately-manipulated systems! This will be necessary particularly as we transition into new - REAL - law, health, education, spiritual structures... So beautiful to have your contributions here, and to be connected with others who are passionately involved in this positive change! :-D Blessings!!

Yes, @jin-out - all of this is true...

At the same time, our consciousness around our own True Divine Co-Creative Power is the solution: once we Know and have Embodied our conscious, whole Beingness, the legal system becomes just another structure that we have mastery over. A Soul Activated is able to effortlessly define their Self as fractal of the Divine Creative Universe, and so remove themselves from the unlawful jurisdiction - the paperwork 'correcting' can be useful for some folks, as a stepping stone, and yet it cannot replace (only act as a token to 'represent') our divine reality. E.g. I can carry a 'certificate' of my 'right' to breathe freely, in the form of a declaration by my doctor that I shouldn't wear a mask ever... However, my Living Reality is that my breath is an unbroken dynamic Life-Flow-With-God, over which I have absolute (divine!) authority. No external - and particularly no abusive or tyrannical! - force may coerce me into restricting my breathing.

My Living Voice and Energetic Presence will Prove this: a 'certificate' is another form of external 'authority' that is 'proving' to the tyranny that I have their 'permission' to exist.

Blessings! These are profoundly beautiful and transformative times: thank you all for keeping this conversation dynamic, deep and open!! Much love!

My Living Voice and Energetic Presence will Prove this: a 'certificate' is another form of external 'authority' that is 'proving' to the tyranny that I have their 'permission' to exist.

If you said those words in a court of "law" saying such words, without proof and evidence of the matter. Those corrupt magistrates would dismiss you straight away, and you'd still be left being the surety for the legal fiction which they've pinned on you, and that you have no way to detach from.

I respect the spiritual aspect of it all, in fact i know it's the way (as a Buddhist myself), but the fact remains: we are still bound by their "rules" no ifs or buts as long as we operate alongside the legal fiction, by using State Instruments and holding them.

Thanks for the interesting conversation!

I hear you, @jin-out : I would be very unlikely to end up in a court of law though, as I know my True Nature and Identity, and would never submit to 'authority' of a conventional 'law court': the most powerful Truth is in Presence, which when activated allows us to circumnavigate ALL structures and power dynamics; this is not to deny paperwork, or the importance of going backwards in order to 'correct' our 'status'.

At the same time: when we Know (Whole/ Embodied Know) our True Nature as Co-Creator who chose in Divine Union with all things to enter at the Zygote/ zinc spark/ conception - all things free up and we come into Divine Union with all things. We no longer attract the controversy of tyranny or threat, and we can work peacefully 'behind the scenes', correcting our relationship with all things - rather than (or even as well as!) correcting relationships. The point being, we create our own paperwork, once we comprehend their corporate legal fiction, and can effortlessly navigate them, finding solution through stating Truth, and rebutting un-truth/ controversy.

The paperwork absolutely has a place, but it can be a cul-de-sac - particularly for those immersing in union with the Sacred Feminine, which is a whole additional realm of What Is Real. It's more Both-And rather than Either/ Or.

Thank you too for the great, mind-opening conversation!!

I too am doing occasional paperwork ;-) and having strong success in navigating within a country and culture of oppression and extreme fear/ restrictions...

Every one of us has a unique path, and in many senses, the path cannot be shown, but others' paths can be an inspiration.

Blessings again!

 3 years ago  

I agree, everyone needs to watch this, but unfortunately some people are not ready. If I could I would love to project it onto buildings on all that major cities, that would be some action xxxx

Beautiful, dearest @trucklife-family ! Thank you so much for this comment! And AYE!!, the time is come for raising voice, projecting the Truth, and even, if we dare, to use large typeface and bold emphasis on what we're sharing ;-) The Truth will eventually permeate even the most closed mind-body-spirit, if we all speak, plant the seeds and do the good work. I am very glad to have positive comments here, and to Know that we are going to make it through, albeit if we are a far smaller population on this blessed planet. Much love to you!

Good one getting me to stop. All the bold font and deceptive capital letters tricked me. Not enough to click the link though.

However, this event will be shifting consciousness and waking up vast swathes of the population of the planet, either way.
The 'deceptive' aspect of the large letters and bold font is very much a projection of your own -if one doesn't recognise the urgent need for folks to listen to the facts, then that's too bad,
Blessings.That's your choice, @dandays - there are plenty of folk ignoring what's happening, so you'll have company in that!

Thanks for confirming my decision to not click it.

It seems that you're closed mind to what's being shared is all that is being confirmed, dear friend! Blessings again, and this information will be pouring into the collective conscious increasingly, so there most certainly will be a point in the future when you'll be thinking something like 'cripes, I should've looked at that earlier!' 🙏

You're aware I have the freedom to click or not to click, I assume. But I don't see a reason to get all weird philosophical and defensive about pointing out the CAPITAL bold letters were deceiving.



You published an article. I read it. Around the world they're publishing / reading as I type this. You have a comment section. I dropped a comment.

(I just deleted a buncha stuff right here)


Hi again, @dandays,

I have added a paragraph above to clarify what the link is.

I feel your comments are a public statement of your closed-mindedness, and a rude rejection of a passionate woman's sharing - of probably the most important and pivotal event that has ever occured in human experience.

The facts being presented via the Grand Jury and the Corona Investigation Committee, are uncovering the greatest hoax in our collective history - and during every second wasted in our NOT revealing this Truth, folks are suffering and dying completely unnecessarily.

Your intense interaction with this post seems strangely perverse, in relation to your claim that you are not interested.

Blessings on you.

Where's Ashton Kutcher? This must be rigged.

Your link is to a covid video? Do you know how funny that is? You called me closed minded and I had NO IDEA what I didn't click was covid related until now. None.