"How to Cleanse Power Stones パワーストーンの浄化の仕方” [English and Japanese]

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)


"How to Cleanse Power Stones"

I used to have quite a few power stones but not anymore. I kept only my favorite stones. This turquoise is my favorite stone which is called Emerald Valley turquoise. I don't feel comfortable with all types of stones. However, this is a very comfortable stone for me.

There are many ways to cleanse power stones such as moon bathing, sunbathing, water, sage, salt, putting in a cluster, and so on depending on the types of power stones. I think sage and moon bathing is good for my turquoise cleansing. I sometimes put my turquoise under the moonlight when I see the clear moon in the sky. Also, I use sage to cleanse my turquoise sometimes. I learned how to cleanse power stones with sage many years ago. This theory is very easy and helpful so I started using this style.

After I moved to Canada, I met an Indigenous First Nation lady in Nova Scotia. She makes and teaches how to make Moccasins. Her sister is a specialist for drumming. They are very gentle and do drum sessions sometimes. The lady gave me a smudge dish because I didn't have it. She is very kind. She uses a shell smudge bowl. Every time I use it, I remember her. I will write about how to cleanse power stones using sage today.

By the way, people clean and cleanse their houses on New Year's Eve or before New Year's Eve in December called "Oosouji(大掃除)" in Japan. Also, shrines do "Susuharai(煤払い)" for their buildings with special leaves and straw brooms. Cleansing one year's dust and energy are very important things to have a nice New Year!

" パワーストーンの浄化の仕方”





This is after the full moon bathing the next morning. The green color became a little bit darker and deeper. Moon bathing cleansing is very simple and easy.


This is typical white sage from a store. Usually, the sage is wrapped with strings like in the photos. However, I prefer to separate it into small pieces because it is easy to handle when it is in smaller pieces.


These are sage leaves from my herb garden. I dried them in autumn. I use these for cooking and sometimes for smudging. White sage is much better for smudging but this sage makes a nice smell when I burn it.


How to Cleanse Power Stones

  1. Burn white sage.
  2. Put the sage smoke under or near the stone that you want to cleanse.
  3. The smoke is going to wrap the stone by itself little by little.
  4. Let the smoke cleanse.
  5. After the smoke finishes cleansing the stone, the smoke will be removed from the stone by itself naturally. This is an interesting moment. It is a very natural moment.
  6. After the smoke completely moves away, the cleansing is done. Even if you try to put the smoke under the stone again, it will avoid smudging. That is the sign that you are done cleansing.
  7. The stone's color will be different before and after smudging. Sometimes the stone needs a longer cleansing. If the stone needs to be cleansed a lot, there is more smoke than in this photo.

Please try it! It's fun to watch the actual cleansing moments. Every stone has a different process to cleanse or every time the stone has a different cleansing moment.


1. ホワイトセージを燃やす。
2. セージの煙を浄化したい石の下または近くにあてる。
3. セージの煙が少しずつ石を包みこみます。
4. そのまま浄化させます。
5. 煙が石を浄化し終わると、その煙はひとりでに自然に石を離れます。とても面白い自然の瞬間です。
6. 煙が完全に石から遠ざかったら浄化は終了です。もう一度浄化しようと再度煙を石にあてても煙は石をさけて遠ざかります。これは浄化が終了している証拠です。
7. 浄化前と後では石の色合いが違います。時々、たくさん浄化が必要な時は煙が石にまとわりつく時間が長く、煙の量がこの写真よりも多くなります。


My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1

 3 years ago  

Hi @koto-art, I really liked this post. I did know that power stones are cleaned in running water, with Sun and Moon baths, also by leaving them submerged in salt water, but this system was unknown to me, although I know that sage is used for sahumeries and to make cleansing baths for us. Your explanation is very complete. I loved the bowl of shells that was given to you, it is beautiful and is something of great spiritual value. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge on the platform. Greetings.

The smudging dish gift was very touching. Actually, the Indigenous lady's smudging bowl is made of shells. Mine is not made of shells but is still a very pretty and valuable thing for me. Again, thank you for your nice comment!Thank you @sirenahippie! Yeah, this smudging style is very easy and simple. A cleansing bath with sage sounds nice too. I cleanse my rooms with sage often.