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RE: "How to Cleanse Power Stones パワーストーンの浄化の仕方” [English and Japanese]

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Hi @koto-art, I really liked this post. I did know that power stones are cleaned in running water, with Sun and Moon baths, also by leaving them submerged in salt water, but this system was unknown to me, although I know that sage is used for sahumeries and to make cleansing baths for us. Your explanation is very complete. I loved the bowl of shells that was given to you, it is beautiful and is something of great spiritual value. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge on the platform. Greetings.


The smudging dish gift was very touching. Actually, the Indigenous lady's smudging bowl is made of shells. Mine is not made of shells but is still a very pretty and valuable thing for me. Again, thank you for your nice comment!Thank you @sirenahippie! Yeah, this smudging style is very easy and simple. A cleansing bath with sage sounds nice too. I cleanse my rooms with sage often.