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RE: The Eeman Relaxation Circuit: could this be the simplest & most effective frequency healing device ever created?

Hi Sam, brilliant research! Let me get the most important info out to you first. To heal your cracks or any wounds for that matter give marigold (calendula) a try. If you can mix a creme of marigold on your own, maybe add a bit of argan oil or even olive oil to make it smoother that would be excellent.

Back to the device: I haven't come across Eeman's device and circuits therefore I'm super grateful you covered this topic. The fact that joining these circuits with sick people might have ended his life earlier is an insight of great importance for everyone trying to heal others. Interestingly enough, according to some statistics I read MDs are among those with the shortest lifespan (to be topped by those in telecommunications and electricians). Therefore, the importance of mentally and physically grounding oneself as you rightfully stated can't be overemphasized.

Let us know how this device helps you long-term.
Have an amazing Sunday!


Wow! Calendula? We have this growing all over our land! I assume you mean to make a cream with the petals? These are the bits we normally eat in our salads. Or do I use more of the plant mixed with the oil? Thanks so much for the pointer here. Can't wait to try this out :) It looks like we have a week of rain coming soon which will give me a break from watering and my feet a chance to repair.

Am very happy I was able to introduce you to a new device here. This one seemed rather special and too good not to share!

Yes, the grounding thing is super important. I remember learning this in Thailand at one of the first Reiki lessons I had. Though I was taught to ground myself only mentally (connecting not only with the earth but also with the cosmos) and I have added the physical grounding to the mix because I pretty much never wear shoes. So, just to be clear about my statement, the mental grounding (in a moment of silence before the hands go on the body) is probably the most important thing here. But it can't hurt to take your shoes off too! Even better if you can perform the healing outside in nature with your feet directly on bare soil (not grass which acts as a minor insulator).

Had heard about the MDs short life-span before. But didn't know about telecommunications and electricians. This makes total sense when we look at it from the perspective of frequency. Spending our lives around the dangerous frequencies (without that grounding) will unquestionably end our lives early.

I was not able to use the biocircuit yesterday and I only slept 4h the night before so suspected this might give me less energy today but on the contrary I went to bed at midnight and was up before 5am today, ready to rock and roll! Once the children are at school you can be sure I will be setting it up again for a session. And perhaps in six months from now, after the winter, I will report on progress. Or perhaps I will share more regularly on this subject if I can feel it elevating me?

Really want for people to try this themselves and regular reminders might be the key to that.

Wow, what a long and detailed reply. Love it. Thank you.

In regards to the cream: To make the cream you need the petals of Calendula officinalis. I figured you have them in your beautiful garden. These amazing wild flowers grow everywhere, we just don't know how to use them properly aka to benefit our health.
Here's a really simple recipe with coconut oil:

It's in German therefore make sure you enable the translation feature. As I mentioned above you can also use argan oil or olive oil. I use this cream in winter a lot; it makes a great lip balm. So simple and so effective. Try it out and let me know if it helped you.

I'm glad the biocircuit is helping you and I absolutely want to hear more about your progress. My only question is this: If you're using several tools / devices, how can you isolate the effects of this one? I know it's super difficult to attribute a healing pattern to a single device if one uses a plethora of tools. If this is the only tool you're currently deploying, than you'll get more accurate results.

Thanks for the cream info!

To answer your question at the end I have done two sessions with the wands only to rule out the possibility that it is them creating the sensations. And I felt nothing like this without the copper wires in place.

It is however true to say that even with all orgonite pyramids removed from the room, our bed still has a magnetised cable under the mattress! Which may also be playing a role. Particularly as I am lying exactly over the top of it with my head facing north. It's a bit of a pain to uninstall so yeah, I left it there knowing I have tried lying on it in the past without any noticeable effects.

I suppose in the end am not terribly interested in proving anything to anyone now that I can see Eeman wrote so many books which are packed full of very careful and organised testing along with hundreds of testimonials. This evidently works so what I am doing is incorporating the technique into my daily routine along with all the other things I don't have time for each day ;)

Meditation/wand time/biocircuit session/magnetised cable combo!